Forum Discussion

Davey Rance's avatar
Davey Rance
Copper Contributor
Mar 10, 2021

Poweshell Export-Connection gives error using WAC 2103

It seems that the powershell cmdlets for exporting / importing connections are no longer working in WAC 2103


Steps to re-produce the issue open powershell then run the following commands



Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\windows admin center\PowerShell\Modules\ConnectionTools"
Export-Connection https://$env:computername
Invoke-WebRequest : The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
At C:\Program Files\windows admin center\PowerShell\Modules\ConnectionTools\ConnectionTools.psm1:75 char:17
+     $response = Invoke-WebRequest @params
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebExc
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

Failed to get the connections
At C:\Program Files\windows admin center\PowerShell\Modules\ConnectionTools\ConnectionTools.psm1:77 char:9
+         throw "Failed to get the connections"
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Failed to get the connections:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed to get the connections




On checking the module versions it seems that the ConnectionTools module is now listed as version 0.0 vs 0.1 in 2009



PS C:\temp> get-module -name ConnectionTools

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script     0.0        ConnectionTools                     {Export-Connection, Import-Connection}




On trying to do an import with the new module 



PS C:\temp> Import-Connection https://$env:computername -fileName .\WACReset.txt
ConvertFrom-Json : Invalid JSON primitive: The.
At C:\Program Files\windows admin center\PowerShell\Modules\ConnectionTools\ConnectionTools.psm1:206 char:18
+         $error = ConvertFrom-Json $_
+                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [ConvertFrom-Json], ArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ConvertFromJsonCommand



It will then list out the servers that should have been added but dosnt apply them.


This happened on a 2009 -> 2103 upgrade and also on a fresh install on a windows 10 Sandbox Machine.


Windows Admin Center

  • So the response that i have had from Microsoft as i opened a ticket is that it is confirmed that it is an issue and will be addressed in a future build. Currently the only option if you want to use powershell for doing imports is going back to previous build. (2009)
  • RClocherty's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I am having the same issue, The import looks like it is working but nothing shows up under connections and I get the same error message trying to export.


    Davey Rance 


  • Davey Rance's avatar
    Davey Rance
    Copper Contributor
    So the response that i have had from Microsoft as i opened a ticket is that it is confirmed that it is an issue and will be addressed in a future build. Currently the only option if you want to use powershell for doing imports is going back to previous build. (2009)
  • HGroenert's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Another thing is that also the Feed-Cmdlets are not working anymore...

    Is it possible to add this to the case you opened, too???

    I was able to Get- Remove- and Add-Feed with v2009 but not with 2103...
    • HGroenert's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      As Dave mentioned above, this seems a known issue at Microsoft and will be solved in the next release.
      For me it would be not a nice to have, but an urgent issue, because I install WAC on several servers and sync feed, extensions, etc., so I don't have to do it all from scratch and by hand.
      That's why I would treat with more importance and not wait to "a future build"

      Maybe in the future Microsoft will handle such PS things for WAC more important
    • Davey Rance's avatar
      Davey Rance
      Copper Contributor
      Roll back to 2009. Still waiting for new released build to address issues.
