Forum Discussion

avSanches's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 09, 2023

Windows Server

Estou com problemas para acessar meu ERP dentro do meu domínio.


Faço o acesso via Remote App, meu ERP fica em nuvem. Ao ingressar a máquina dentro do meu domínio apontando o DNS da máquina para o meu servidor

fico sem acesso ao meu ERP, mas quando aponto o DNS para o Google, consigo acessar normalmente.


Já testei regras no Firewall, desativei o Firewall, fiz GPO, cadastrei os encaminhadores, fiz zona reversa, meu DNS resolve os nomes, mas somente meu ERP fica sem acesso


Tentei acessar dentro do meu Server, mas também sem sucesso.


Mas só de mudar o DNS consigo acessar. Alguém poderia me dar uma luz. Fiz diversas configurações, mas nada resolve.

  • I'd check the domain controller and problem member both have the static ip address of DC listed for DNS and no others such as router or public DNS. Also check on domain controller that ipv4 root hints are listed and forwarders are correct and resolvable.       



  • I'd check the domain controller and problem member both have the static ip address of DC listed for DNS and no others such as router or public DNS. Also check on domain controller that ipv4 root hints are listed and forwarders are correct and resolvable.       



    • avSanches's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Consegui solucionar colocando criando um host com o IP do server do meu ERP e criando uma zona inversa também com o IP do meu ERP.
    • Dave Patrick's avatar
      Dave Patrick

      avSanches just checking if there's any progress or updates? please don't forget to mark helpful replies.    



  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi avSanches,

    I have read the question carefully and if I translated it correctly here is my solution for the problem you are experiencing:

    1. Check the DNS settings on the client machine. Make sure that the client machine is pointing to the correct DNS servers. You can check this by going to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings. Right-click on the network adapter that you are using to connect to the internet and select Properties. Click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) protocol and then click on Properties. Under the "Use the following DNS server addresses" section, make sure that the DNS server addresses are correct.

    2. Check the firewall settings on the client machine. Make sure that the firewall on the client machine is not blocking access to the ERP system. You can check this by going to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall. Click on "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" and then select "Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended)". Click on "Yes" to confirm. If you are able to access the ERP system after turning off the firewall, then you know that the firewall was blocking access. You will need to configure the firewall to allow access to the ERP system.

    3. Check the firewall settings on the server where the ERP system is hosted. Make sure that the firewall on the server is not blocking access to the ERP system. You can check this by contacting your server administrator.

    4. Check the DNS settings on the server where the ERP system is hosted. Make sure that the server is pointing to the correct DNS servers. You can check this by going to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings. Right-click on the network adapter that you are using to connect to the internet and select Properties. Click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) protocol and then click on Properties. Under the "Use the following DNS server addresses" section, make sure that the DNS server addresses are correct.

    5. Check the configuration of the ERP system. Make sure that the ERP system is configured to allow access from remote clients. You can check this by contacting the ERP system vendor.

    Please click Mark as Best Response & Like if my post helped you to solve your issue.
    This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item.

    If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving it Like.

    Kindest regards,

    Leon Pavesic
