Forum Discussion

Jens_Ohle's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 20, 2023

Windows Server Virtualized / Shared machine - my Cloud Provider keeps telling me that "RAM Usage ...

Hi there !


I'm a user of a Windows 2022 server in an shared environment. I encounter bad performance on the machine (24 GB guaranteed RAM, 12 vCores CPU) compared to a 10 year old Dell PC (with less performant components). 


The context: Directly after starting the server, Windows task manager keeps telling me that 70-75% of the RAM is occupied. Just Windows running. After my software started it's up to 90/95%. 

The providers reply is the following: "The task manager can not show the correct RAM usage due to the virtualized environment." 


My question: Are they right? 


Thanks a lot for an answer, Jens. 


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