Forum Discussion

BobbyGeicko's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 11, 2021

Windows Deployment Services PXE Boot fails

Hi Community.


I am trying to create an image from a Windows Surface environment to deploy to other Surfaces at our school.  I've uploaded a boot image and I created a capture image from the \sources folder from a Windows 10 folder.  


I have run System Preparation (SysPrep) on my Windows Surface environment successfully.  I then changed the boot setting to a Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE boot.  The boot seems to think for a bit, then flashes a couple of items that I can't read.  The Surface then finally brings up the image box (as if I want to image the machine) instead of going to the deployment wizard which I expected.


Can someone help me out here?  The problem seems to be connecting to the WDS server in the PXE boot, but I can't read the messages that come up.  (There is no pause buttons on Surfaces.)


Thanks for any help you can suggest.

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