Forum Discussion
Aug 18, 2023Brass Contributor
UPGRADE AD 2016 TO 2019
Hello ,
Please should be informed that we have two Controller domain in place and there is replication between the two server "OS windows 2016" we need to migrate to 2019 .does i must perform the upgrade operation on both server ? i start with the main DC and the aditionnal ? is there an impact on client ?
according to your experience and knownledge what is the best way to perfrom the upgrade ?
RMAZOUZI just checking if there's any progress or updates? please don't forget to mark helpful replies?
The two prerequisites to introducing the first 2019 or 2022 domain controller are that domain functional level needs to be 2008 or higher and older sysvol FRS replication needs to have been migrated to DFSR
I'd use dcdiag / repadmin tools to verify health `correcting all errors found` before starting `any` operations. Then stand up the new 2019 or 2022, patch it fully, license it, join existing domain, add active directory domain services, promote it also making it a GC (recommended), transfer FSMO roles over (optional), transfer pdc emulator role (optional), use dcdiag / repadmin tools to again verify health, when all is good you can decommission / demote old one.
- RMAZOUZIBrass Contributor
Thanks Patrick For your explanation ,for my situation i would like to make an upgrade in place install Windows 2019 over 2016 with keep configiration and setting but i think that i must run adprep /forestprep and adprep /domainprep
An in-place upgrade is very risky and is never recommended and since there are two DCs there's really no point in trying that path.