Forum Discussion
Sep 23, 2021Copper Contributor
Powershell - bulk decryption of files
Hi all,
Hope someone with some scripting skills can help here.
I'm using openssl to encrypt and decrypt files. I can decrypt single files via command line but the problem comes when I'm trying to bulk decrypt using a wildcard like *.crypt in the command line doesn't work.
openssl.exe cms -decrypt -inkey C:/key.pem -recip C:/cert.pem -inform DER -in "E:/*.crypt" -out" E:/*.xml"
I'm unable to find a parameter in openssl to do a bulk decrypt so I thought hey I'll use powershell to decrypt each file, maybe something like
$file = *.crypt
for each file in C:\folder\*.crypt
<run command> $file
can anyone help with how I can script this in PS or point me in the right direction. Or even tell me if this is even possible.
- LainRobertsonSilver Contributor
Hi, Chi.
This is a bit late but may help someone with a similar question.
This simple one-liner (spread out a bit for readability) would likely suffice.
(Get-ChildItem -Path "D:\Data\*.crypt").FullName | % { openssl.exe cms -decrypt -inkey C:\key.pem -recip C:\cert.pem -inform DER -in "$_" -out "$($_ -replace '\.crypt$', '.xml')"; }