Forum Discussion
Charles Nanayakkara
Nov 02, 2018Copper Contributor
Consolidating 7 different AD forests to single forest with multiple AD trees
Hi, My organization is planning to move out from in-house Linux based Email server (Zimbra) to Cloud based Office 365(hosted Exchange). Part of this initiation I need to consolidate 7 different AD f...
- Nov 13, 2018
This one might help.
looks more like a contract service available from Microsoft.
Charles Nanayakkara
Dec 10, 2018Copper Contributor
Hi All,
Thank you all for your suggestions.
Is there anybody used ADMT successfully with Windows 10 and Windows server 2016 ?
Dec 20, 2018Brass Contributor
Depends what are definitions for "successfull" and what is starting point. In genertal - there is no probleem with ADMT on W10/2016.
- Fabrizio GiovannettiDec 21, 2018
Hi Andres,
yes is possible that work I believe this :smileyhappy: but I never tried..
But this scenario is not support for Microsoft it does not mean it does not work.
Best Regards,