Forum Discussion
Jul 07, 2024Copper Contributor
Can DHCP Server detect client windows version?
I have a DHCP server and several clients, some running Windows 10 and some Windows 7. I want the DHCP server to be able to identify the Windows version of the clients using the vendor class and assig...
Jul 08, 2024Copper Contributor
You can't detect your own windows? To kwon your win.version. go to your my computer right click properties you will see your win version or type on run (dxdiag) you will get all you what to sèe. You cannot kwon your clients windows they won't tell you ask him then try to do what I'm told to you. If I'm rougn or more I'm not enemy I'm try to say what I kwon. Correct me if I'm wrong the you.
- javad9505Jul 08, 2024Copper Contributor
Adminkkirkrosalcapira I think you didn't understand my question. I want the DHCP server to detect the Windows version. When the client sends a Discover message, it provides some information to the DHCP server. I want to know if there is any information about their Windows version in these messages.