Forum Discussion
Dec 01, 2022
Blog post - Get Active Directory Domain infra information
Wrote a blog post about how to retrieve AD Domain information, always nice to get a simple overview of Domain Controllers and their roles and what the Active Directory status is (Version, Azure AD Connect, Exchange, AD Recycle Bin, FRS or DFSR). Blog post is here and the script is listed here below
function Get-ADDomaininfo {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the domain, i.e. contoso.local")][string]$domain
#Test if specified domain is accessible
if ($domain) {
if (-not (Get-ADDomain -Identity $domain)) {
Write-Warning ("Specified domain 0} is not accessible, please check spelling and access. Exiting..." -f $domain)
#Set $domain to current domain if not specified as parameter
if (-not $domain) {
$domain = (Get-ADDomain).dnsroot
#Gather overview of Domain Controllers
$domainControllers = foreach ($domainController in (Get-ADDomain).ReplicaDirectoryServers) {
$info = Get-ADDomainController -Identity $domainController
Name = $info.HostName
IPv4Address = $info.IPv4Address
IPv6Address = if ($info.IPv6Address)
{ $info.IPv6Address }
else {
"Certificate Authority" = if ((Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName $DomainController -Name ADCS-Cert-Authority).InstallState -eq 'Installed') {
else {
"Not installed"
"DHCP Server" = if ((Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName $DomainController -Name DHCP).InstallState -eq 'Installed') {
else {
"Not installed"
"DNS Server" = if ((Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName $DomainController -Name DNS).InstallState -eq 'Installed') {
else {
"Not installed"
GlobalCatalog = $info.IsGlobalCatalog
"Operating System" = $info.OperatingSystem
FSMO = if ($info.OperationMasterRoles) {
$info.OperationMasterRoles -join ", "
else {
Site = $info.Site
OU = $info.ComputerObjectDN
#Check for FSR configuration (
$searchFRS = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$searchFRS.Filter = "(&(objectClass=nTFRSSubscriber)(name=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share)))"
$searchFRS.SearchRoot = $dcObjectPath
#Gather Domain information
$domainInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
"Active Directory Sites" = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest().Sites.Name -join ", "
"Active Directory Recycle Bin" = if ((Get-ADOptionalFeature -Filter 'Name -eq "Recycle Bin Feature"').EnabledScopes) {
else {
"Not Enabled"
"Azure AD Connect Server(s)" = if (Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(description=*configured to synchronize to tenant*)" -Properties description | ForEach-Object { $_.description.SubString(142, $_.description.IndexOf(" ", 142) - 142) }) {
Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(description=*configured to synchronize to tenant*)" -Properties description | ForEach-Object { $_.description.SubString(142, $_.description.IndexOf(" ", 142) - 142) -join ", " }
else {
"Domain Functional Level" = (Get-ADDomain).DomainMode
"Exchange Server(s)" = if (Get-ADGroup -Filter { SamAccountName -eq "Exchange Servers" }) {
(Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Exchange Servers" | Where-Object ObjectClass -eq 'Computer').Name -join ", "
else {
"Forest Functional Level" = (Get-ADForest).ForestMode
"FRS or DFSR for Sysvol" = if ($searchFRS.FindAll().Count -eq '0') {
else {
"Trusts" = if (Get-ADTrust -Filter *) {
(Get-ADTrust -Filter *).Name -join ", "
else {
"UPN Suffixes" = if ((Get-ADForest).UPNSuffixes) {
(Get-ADForest).UPNSuffixes -join ", "
else {
#Return all results
return $domainControllers, $domainInfo
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