Forum Discussion

CzkLTPR's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 23, 2023

Update Azure AD / Microsoft 365 users information - Office Phone numbers from a CSV file

Hello, I am trying to update the Office Phone numbers of my Microsoft 365 users using a list in a CSV file. Generally, the code works - it successfully updates all other attributes that are in the ...
  • CzkLTPR's avatar
    Nov 23, 2023


    This is what I was looking for. Thank you.

    I had to edit the author's script by changing "MgBetaUser" to "Get-MgUser". After this change it works as expected.

    In addition, I added:

        # Check if BusinessPhones is empty
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BusinessPhones)) {
            Write-Host "BusinessPhones is empty for user '$userPrincipalName'. Skipping update." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            continue  # Skip to the next user in the loop


    Working code to update multiple user business phones:

    # Connect to Microsoft Graph
    Connect-MgGraph -Scope User.ReadWrite.All
    # Read the CSV file
    $users = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\AzureADUserAttributes.csv"
    # Go through each user in the CSV and update the BusinessPhones
    foreach ($user in $users) {
        $userPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName
        $BusinessPhones = $user.BusinessPhones
        # Check if BusinessPhones is empty
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BusinessPhones)) {
            Write-Host "BusinessPhones is empty for user '$userPrincipalName'. Skipping update." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            continue  # Skip to the next user in the loop
        # Check if the user exists
        $existingUser = Get-MgUser -UserId $userPrincipalName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($existingUser) {
            # Check if the existing BusinessPhones matches the new value
            if ($existingUser.BusinessPhones -eq $BusinessPhones) {
                # BusinessPhones already set with the same value
                Write-Host "User '$userPrincipalName' already has BusinessPhones '$BusinessPhones'." -ForegroundColor Cyan
            else {
                # Update the BusinessPhones
                Update-MgUser -UserId $userPrincipalName -BusinessPhones $BusinessPhones
                Write-Host "User '$userPrincipalName' updated BusinessPhones to '$BusinessPhones' successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            # User not found
            Write-Host "User '$userPrincipalName' not found. BusinessPhones field is empty." -ForegroundColor Yellow

