Forum Discussion
unused azuread apps
Hello everyone,
I'm new in this community and happy to join.
I am wanting to create an script using as cli module to export/report of all unused apps for the last 3 months in AzureAD.
Thank you in Advance,
Kind Regards,
- kevkellyBrass Contributor
You could use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) recommendations and the preview feature Remove unused applications to list applications within your tenant that haven't been used in the past 30 days (these are applications that have not been issued any tokens).
If you want to use PowerShell to query this information, one way would be to use the Microsoft Graph beta cmdlets: Get-MgBetaDirectoryRecommendation and Get-MgBetaDirectoryRecommendationImpactedResource
You'd need to ensure that you have the relevant modules installed:
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.DirectoryManagement
Along with connecting to Graph and the appropriate scope:
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes DirectoryRecommendations.Read.All
You could then pull the list of stale applications:
$staleApps = Get-MgBetaDirectoryRecommendation -Filter "recommendationType eq 'staleApps'" Get-MgBetaDirectoryRecommendationImpactedResource -RecommendationId $staleApps.Id
- Niamatullah_FaiziCopper Contributorkevkelly, Thanks a lot, FYI
Can I have script for az cli modules for the same process? because only I can use az cli
thank you