Forum Discussion
Unable to run across all users in Azure
Just trying to get powershell to update sharepoint which is working if i use an individual account please see the current script
Get-Module SharePointPnPPowerShell* -ListAvailable| Select-Object Name,Version| Sort-Object Version -Descending
Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline
Update-Module SharePointPnPPowerShell*
Install-Module AzureAD
$aaduser = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId ""
Connect-PnPOnline –Url
if('' -ne $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber -and $null -ne $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber) {
Set-PnPUserProfileProperty -Account $aaduser.UserPrincipalName -Property 'fax' -Value $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber
How ever when i try to get this to run across all users in azure it fails to work the following script is this
Get-Module SharePointPnPPowerShell* -ListAvailable| Select-Object Name,Version| Sort-Object Version -Descending
Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline
Update-Module SharePointPnPPowerShell*
Install-Module AzureAD
$aadusers = Get-AzureADUser -All $true
Connect-PnPOnline –Url
if('' -ne $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber -and $null -ne $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber) {
Set-PnPUserProfileProperty -Account $aaduser.UserPrincipalName -Property 'fax' -Value $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber
Could anyone point me in the correct direction
Thank you
bluecoat2020 I think you are missing a foreach so you can loop through each user in $aadusers.
Foreach($aaduser in $aadusers) { If('' -ne $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber -and $null -ne $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber) { Set-PnPUserProfileProperty -Account $aaduser.UserPrincipalName -Property 'fax' -Value $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber } }
Erick Moreno
- Erick A. Moreno R.Iron Contributor
bluecoat2020 I think you are missing a foreach so you can loop through each user in $aadusers.
Foreach($aaduser in $aadusers) { If('' -ne $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber -and $null -ne $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber) { Set-PnPUserProfileProperty -Account $aaduser.UserPrincipalName -Property 'fax' -Value $aaduser.facsimileTelephoneNumber } }
Erick Moreno
- bluecoat2020Copper Contributor
Thank you very much that has worked really appreciated Erick A. Moreno R.