Forum Discussion

bvi2006's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 19, 2019

Unable to cast object of type System.DBNull


In pulling data from SQL, some of the columns in the row are null. I receive an exception message:

Exception calling "GetString" with "1" argument(s): "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'."

How can I handle this? It seems to basically just move on to the next row, but I need all rows and all columns. If the column is null, ok with me but I do need to set it as an empty string, I guess. This data will be used to set details for users in AD. When I use the set-aduser command, I will need to be able to use the variable even if it is null. I don't want Powershell to not execute the set-aduser command because the particular variable is empty. The one it fails on the most is the supr_username.

$result = $SelectDataTable | foreach-object {
Identity = $_.GetString(2)
Title = $_.GetString(3)
Department = $_.GetString(4)
MSC = $_.GetString(5)
Office_Location = $_.GetString(6)
Office_Phone = $_.GetString(7)
Supr_username = $_.GetString(10)


Any help would be appreciated!

  • bvi2006 


    Can you try the below line :


    $Supr_username = if ($_.IsDbNull(10)) { '' } Else { $_.GetString(10) }

    Complete script :


    $result = $SelectDataTable | foreach-object {

    $Supr_username = if ($_.IsDbNull(10)) { '' } Else { $_.GetString(10) }

    Identity = $_.GetString(2)
    Title = $_.GetString(3)
    Department = $_.GetString(4)
    MSC = $_.GetString(5)
    Office_Location = $_.GetString(6)
    Office_Phone = $_.GetString(7)
    Supr_username = $Supr_username
  • Kevin_Morgan's avatar
    Iron Contributor



    Can you try the below line :


    $Supr_username = if ($_.IsDbNull(10)) { '' } Else { $_.GetString(10) }

    Complete script :


    $result = $SelectDataTable | foreach-object {

    $Supr_username = if ($_.IsDbNull(10)) { '' } Else { $_.GetString(10) }

    Identity = $_.GetString(2)
    Title = $_.GetString(3)
    Department = $_.GetString(4)
    MSC = $_.GetString(5)
    Office_Location = $_.GetString(6)
    Office_Phone = $_.GetString(7)
    Supr_username = $Supr_username
    • Gary_Broughton's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      if ($_.GetType().Name -eq 'DBNull') { $returnValue = 0 } else { $returnValue = $_ }






          try {

              $reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader()

          } catch {

              Throw $Error[0]




          foreach ($read in $reader) {

              if ($read[0].GetType().Name -eq 'DBNull') {

                  $networkCharge = 0

              } else {

                  $networkCharge = $read[0].ToDecimal($null)





          return $networkCharge

