Forum Discussion
Chris Mullins
Dec 10, 2020Copper Contributor
The property cannot be processed because the property type already exists
I receive the above message when running the below command.
Get-RetentionCompliancePolicy -identity "Name of Policy" -DistributionDetail | Select-Object -property @{n"Policy Name";e={$_.Name}},@{n=User";e{$_.ExchangeLocation}}
I do see the results I want after the errors appear. Im trying to understand why the errors appear to improve my knowledge
You have a bunch of syntax errors, mostly missing "=". Try this:
Get-RetentionCompliancePolicy -DistributionDetail | Select-Object -property @{n="Policy Name";e={$_.Name}},@{n="User";e={$_.ExchangeLocation}}
- Chris MullinsCopper Contributor
Thank you so much for your quick response.
The syntax works, but I was aiming to display the user's email address along with the name of the policy.
Both have the property value of Name
Get-RetentionCompliancePolicy -DistributionDetail | Select -ExpandProperty ExchangeLocation | Select Name