Forum Discussion
start menu unpin shortcuts via powershell script
I am looking for a script to unpin application shortcut on start menu tile without causing user pinned tiles. For example, tried the below one to unpin chrome , but it wasn't working.
(New-Object -ComObject shell.application).Namespace('C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application').parsename('chrome.exe').verbs() | ?{$_.Name.replace('&','') -match 'Unpin from Start'} | %{$_.DoIt(); $exec = $true}
Received an error. Found another way is to delete the below registry key, it will clear the cached start menu tile information from registry.
Get-ChildItem -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CloudStore\Store\Cache\DefaultAccount\ | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*start.tilegrid**"} | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
After relogin, start tile will be rearranged again by the xml file C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\layoutmodification.xml . I want to user customized pinned item shouldn't be changed, but chrome shortcut has to be removed from the start tile by powershell script or any other way. Is that possible?