Forum Discussion
See groups menbership of a list of users
- Aug 22, 2022
The easy answer is that you're trying to get the UserPrincipalName of the Group rather than the user, which returns null because the group doesn't have a UserPrincipalName.
As the variable $_. has already been overwritten by Get-AzureAdUsermembership you can't really reference back.
I have written a Powershell script that would do the job and shared it on Github:
Check it out and let me know if it fits your requirements.
EDIT: Apparently I was too slow and LainRobertson already came with a more modern solution!
The easy answer is that you're trying to get the UserPrincipalName of the Group rather than the user, which returns null because the group doesn't have a UserPrincipalName.
As the variable $_. has already been overwritten by Get-AzureAdUsermembership you can't really reference back.
I have written a Powershell script that would do the job and shared it on Github:
Check it out and let me know if it fits your requirements.
EDIT: Apparently I was too slow and LainRobertson already came with a more modern solution!
Lifesaver. Thank you!
- raindropsdevAug 23, 2022Iron Contributor
I'm happy my code was helpful!
That said, be aware that the AzureAd module will reach end of life at the end of this year, so it's strongly discouraged to put anything new in production using it.
To assist I've also prepared a Graph API version of that same script and updated the Azure AD with parameters to customize input and output paths and filename:
Strong recommendation NOT to just use it as is though. Read it and understand why everything was one as is and learn it so you can do it yourself next time for the next task you need to do with MgGraph.
P.S: to find equivalent cmdlets you can use this table: