Provisioning Module not installed
Hi Community,
I am really not a guy that starts asking help quick, but I have been searching on this issue for 6 hours now and cant find any information or fix for it, as it seems that it should not happen that you do not have the Provisioning Module as it is some sort of base module?
But when I do: "Get-Module -ListAvailable"
It does not list Provisioning as a module (Provisioning Module | Microsoft Docs)
I also cant seem to install it manually.
Any of the cmdlets also does not work (Like Install-ProvisioningPackage)
My Powershell version is 5.1 so that is not the problem.
Windows version 1607 (Windows 10 2016 LTSB)
I cant find any information about why it would be missing or what the requirements are for having it.
Nobody seems to have this issue.
Does anyone know how to get it installed or know a reason why you should not have it?
Thanks in advance!