Forum Discussion
Nov 07, 2022Iron Contributor
Powershell Multithreading using THREADJOBS.
Dear Community,
Just for sharing 🙂
# Install-Module -Name ThreadJob -Scope CurrentUser
$startScript = get-date
# Parameters
$ThreadsProcessed = 0
$customObject = $null
$someJobs = {
# Create Start and End Date Time
$start = get-date
Sleep -s 1
$end = get-date
# Create a Custom Object
$customObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
ThreadID = $ThreadsProcessed
Start = $start
End = $end
Result = "OK"
Return $customObject
1..10 | % {
# Start some jobs
Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock $someJobs -ArgumentList $ThreadsProcessed
# Get Jobs and Remove Jobs
Get-Job | Wait-Job | ForEach {
Receive-Job -Name $_.Name
Remove-Job -Name $_.Name
$endScript = get-date
Write-Host "$startScript to $endScript"
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