Forum Discussion

louis-m_97's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 27, 2020

Powershell command on domain computers as administrator



I want to execute a command on all computers in my domain but in order for it to work, it needs to run with elevated permissions.

Is there a possibility to do this?


my command:


get-winevent -filterXML([xml](Get-Content "C:\Execute\Inventorview.xml")) | sort timecreated -descending | export-csv c:\execute\result.csv




the response i get:


get-winevent : Could not retrieve information about the Security log. Error: Poging tot het uitvoeren van een niet-gema
chtigde bewerking..
At line:1 char:1
+ get-winevent -filterXML([xml](Get-Content "C:\Execute\Inventorview.xm ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-WinEvent], Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : LogInfoUnavailable,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand




(Poging tot het uitvoeren van een niet-gemachtigde bewerking... = dutch for 'trying to execute a non-authorized...')


Thanks in advance!

  • Animesh Joshi's avatar
    Animesh Joshi
    Brass Contributor

    Have you verified this command on a computer where you have administrator level access?
    If it provides the information you require, it's a matter of having admin access to all computers and launching PS under that user's context. 

    get-winevent has a -credential parameter you can use.

    • louis-m_97's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Animesh Joshi I have verified this command with an admin account.

      Can you run a scheduled task to all computers to run this script as an admin?

      I'ts the first time that i'm trying anything like this so it's all kind of new for me. 



      • Animesh Joshi's avatar
        Animesh Joshi
        Brass Contributor
        Yes you can create a scheduled task to run on any number of remote computers as long as the user context under which the command is running has required access on the remote computer.
