Forum Discussion
Apr 27, 2023Copper Contributor
Not getting the values in CSV
I have the PowerShell scripts which is giving output saved as CSV file if i run the scripts manually but If create the windows scheduler to run it automatically i am not getting any result saved in the CSV file. Its empty
please advise whats the error
below is the scripts:
I have the PowerShell scripts which is giving output saved as CSV file if i run the scripts manually but If create the windows scheduler to run it automatically i am not getting any result saved in the CSV file. Its empty
please advise whats the error
below is the scripts:
Write-Host "Script started at $(Get-Date)"
$Disabled = ".\UserUsage\DisabledUsers.csv"
$enabled = ".\UserUsage\EnabledUsers.csv"
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId "123" -TenantId "123" -CertificateThumbprint "123"
Sleep -Seconds 10
$allEnabledUsers = Get-MgUser -All -Filter 'accountEnabled eq true'
Write-Host "Enabled Users: $($allEnabledUsers.Count)"
$allDisabledUsers = Get-MgUser -All -Filter 'accountEnabled eq false'
Write-Host "Disabled Users: $($allDisabledUsers.Count)"
Sleep -Seconds 10
$allEnabledUsers = Get-MgUser -All -Filter 'accountEnabled eq true' -Property id, FirstName, LastName, Jobtitle, displayName, CompanyName, State, OfficeLocation, department, signInActivity, userPrincipalName,userType, createdDateTime, accountEnabled, passwordPolicies, mail, lastPasswordChangeDateTime, Phone | select id, displayName, FirstName, LastName, Jobtitle, CompanyName, State, OfficeLocation, Phone, department, userPrincipalName, userType, createdDateTime, accountEnabled, mail, lastPasswordChangeDateTime, passwordPolicies, @{N='LastSignInDateTime';E={$_.signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime}}, @{N='LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime';E={$_.signInActivity.LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime}} | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation $enabled
Write-Host "CSV file for Enabled Users exported at $(Get-Date)"
Sleep -Seconds 10
$allDisabledUsers = Get-MgUser -Filter 'accountEnabled eq false' -All -Property id, FirstName, LastName, Jobtitle, displayName, CompanyName, State, OfficeLocation, department, signInActivity, userPrincipalName, userType, createdDateTime, accountEnabled, passwordPolicies, mail, lastPasswordChangeDateTime, Phone | select id, displayName, FirstName, LastName, Jobtitle, CompanyName, State, OfficeLocation, Phone, department, userPrincipalName, userType, createdDateTime, accountEnabled, mail, lastPasswordChangeDateTime, passwordPolicies, @{N='LastSignInDateTime';E={$_.signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime}}, @{N='LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime';E={$_.signInActivity.LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime}} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $Disabled
Write-Host "CSV file for Disabled Users exported at $(Get-Date)"
Sleep -Seconds 10
Write-Host "Script finished at $(Get-Date)"
- AndySvintsSteel Contributor
Hello Ameerm2023,
Just my two cents on how to make your script more efficient. You are calling Get-MgUser 4 times, although 2 would be more than enough (Actually it can be achieved with just one but we have to start somewhere). Basically you can cut the execution time in half:
Write-Host "Script started at $(Get-Date)" $Disabled = ".\UserUsage\DisabledUsers.csv" $enabled = ".\UserUsage\EnabledUsers.csv" Connect-MgGraph -ClientId "123" -TenantId "123" -CertificateThumbprint "123" Sleep -Seconds 10 $allEnabledUsers = Get-MgUser -All -Filter 'accountEnabled eq true' -Property id, FirstName, LastName, Jobtitle, displayName, CompanyName, State, OfficeLocation, department, signInActivity, userPrincipalName,userType, createdDateTime, accountEnabled, passwordPolicies, mail, lastPasswordChangeDateTime, Phone | select id, displayName, FirstName, LastName, Jobtitle, CompanyName, State, OfficeLocation, Phone, department, userPrincipalName, userType, createdDateTime, accountEnabled, mail, lastPasswordChangeDateTime, passwordPolicies, @{N='LastSignInDateTime';E={$_.signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime}}, @{N='LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime';E={$_.signInActivity.LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime}} Write-Host "Enabled Users: $($allEnabledUsers.Count)" Sleep -Seconds 10 $allDisabledUsers = Get-MgUser -Filter 'accountEnabled eq false' -All -Property id, FirstName, LastName, Jobtitle, displayName, CompanyName, State, OfficeLocation, department, signInActivity, userPrincipalName, userType, createdDateTime, accountEnabled, passwordPolicies, mail, lastPasswordChangeDateTime, Phone | select id, displayName, FirstName, LastName, Jobtitle, CompanyName, State, OfficeLocation, Phone, department, userPrincipalName, userType, createdDateTime, accountEnabled, mail, lastPasswordChangeDateTime, passwordPolicies, @{N='LastSignInDateTime';E={$_.signInActivity.LastSignInDateTime}}, @{N='LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime';E={$_.signInActivity.LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime}} Write-Host "Disabled Users: $($allDisabledUsers.Count)" $allEnabledUsers | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation $enabled Write-Host "CSV file for Enabled Users exported at $(Get-Date)" $allDisabledUsers | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $Disabled Write-Host "CSV file for Disabled Users exported at $(Get-Date)" Disconnect-MgGraph Write-Host "Script finished at $(Get-Date)"
Hope that helps.
- Ameerm2023Copper ContributorThanks for update and i have changed the scripts but still i am getting any value of i run the task scheduler but if i run it manually its getting saved.please help
- Axel AndersenCopper ContributorYou could try to use a fully qualified path for the files:
$Root = "C:\EveryoneCanWriteHere\UserUsage" #<- set ACL on this folder
$Disabled = "$Root\DisabledUsers.csv"
$enabled = "$Root\EnabledUsers.csv"
Tweak the ACL if needed to allow the account running the task the correct access. Then you can run the task without elevated privileges. - Andres-BohrenSteel Contributor
Hi Ameerm2023
Did you run the Interactive Script "As Administrator"? So the Files might have a Flag the User can't overwrite if he is not running with highest privileges (Basically: Run as Administrator)
You can try to run the Script "with highest privileges"Did you select "Run wehther user is logged on or not"?
- Ameerm2023Copper Contributor
I am using the same account for other tasks scheduler and even in the same folder i am getting other records are getting saved but i dont know why this script is having the issue
- Andres-BohrenSteel ContributorDid you set a Path in Actions > "Start in" on your Scheduled Task?
Otherwise try to set a Full Path for your CSV's in your Script: C:\Script\Output.csv