Forum Discussion
Name, Department, #of Emails, Mailbox Size
Erick A. Moreno R. Thanks Erick! I'm running it now to see what it displays in the CSV.
Would you be able to add a condition where the Department field is not blank?
lpmdvip Sure, here you have.
Get MBXs Stats, User Attribute(s), Folder(s) Counts
Author: Erick A. Moreno
Date: 12 Jan 2020
PowerShell: v3
$CredentialsFolder = "D:\Credentials\"
$WorkingDir = "C:\Users\erick\Desktop\LogsFolder"
$ScriptTime = Get-Date -UFormat "%m%d%Y-%H%M"
#region Functions
Function _Get-Sessions
#region Check for Credentials File
$TargetCredPath = $CredentialsFolder #Credential XML File Location
$TargetCredName = $TargetCredPath + $CredentialsFileName
#Write-Host $TargetCredName
If(Test-Path $TargetCredName)
$TargetCred = Import-Clixml $TargetCredName
$Cred = Get-Credential
$Cred | Export-CliXml -Path $(Join-Path -path $TargetCredPath -ChildPath RemotePS.cred)
$TargetCred = Import-Clixml $TargetCredName
#region connections
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $TargetCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
$NoOutput = Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber -Prefix O365 -CommandName "*Mailbox*","*User*"
Return $Session
#region Open PS Sessions
$TenantSession = _Get-Sessions -CredentialsFolder $CredentialsFolder -CredentialsFileName RemotePS.cred
$MBXs = Get-O365Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
$Counter = $MBXs.count
$Results = @()
$NoDepartment = @()
Foreach($MBX in $MBXs)
#Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300
$PsSessionState = $(Get-PsSession $TenantSession.Id).State
If($($Counter/100) -match '^[0-9]+$' -or $PsSessionState -ne "Opened")
Remove-PSSession $TenantSession.Id -Confirm:$false
Write-Host "Opening a new Session Each 100 iterations" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$TenantSession = _Get-Sessions -CredentialsFolder $CredentialsFolder -CredentialsFileName RemotePS.cred
Write-Host "($Counter) Working On MBX: $($MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$Stats = $null
$UserData = $null
$FolderItems = $null
$UserData = Get-O365User $MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress
$Stats = Get-O365MailboxStatistics -Identity $MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress
$FolderItems = Get-O365MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress | Where {$_.Name -match “Inbox|Sent Items|Deleted Items|Junk E-Mail”} | Select Name,ItemsInFolder #Add Folders as needed
$Properties = [Ordered]@{
DisplayName = $MBX.DisplayName
Department = $UserData.Department #Add properties as needed
UserPrincipalName = $MBX.UserPrincipalName
MailboxSizeMB = [math]::Round($($Stats.TotalItemSize.Value.ToString().Split("(")[1].Split(" ")[0].Replace(",","")/1MB),4)
MailboxSizeGB = [math]::Round($($Stats.TotalItemSize.Value.ToString().Split("(")[1].Split(" ")[0].Replace(",","")/1GB),4)
InboxItems = $($FolderItems | where{$_.Name -eq "Inbox"}).ItemsInFolder
SentItems = $($FolderItems | where{$_.Name -eq "Sent Items"}).ItemsInFolder
DeletedItems = $($FolderItems | where{$_.Name -eq "Deleted Items"}).ItemsInFolder
JunkItems = $($FolderItems | where{$_.Name -eq "Junk E-Mail"}).ItemsInFolder
PrimarySMTPAddress = $MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress
$Results += New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
Write-Host "Department Field is Empty Skipping MBX: $($MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress)"
$NoDepartment += $($MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress)
$Results | Export-Csv -Path "$WorkingDir\ReportMBXsStats_$ScriptTime.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Force
$NoDepartment | Export-Csv -Path "$WorkingDir\NoDepartmentField_$ScriptTime.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Force
Write-Host "Report Saved To: $WorkingDir\ReportMBXsStats_$ScriptTime.csv" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Report Saved To: $WorkingDir\NoDepartmentField_$ScriptTime.csv" -ForegroundColor Cyan
- lpmdvipFeb 13, 2020Copper Contributor
Erick A. Moreno R. Good afternoon! Should I be prompted to enter my credentials after every 100 iterations? Also, the csv "didnt have permission to write to a subfolder on my desktop". The script said it was there, but it was not. Any suggestions?
- Erick A. Moreno R.Feb 13, 2020Iron Contributor
lpmdvip Good afternoon. No, it should not prompt for creds, which means that the cred files is not been read correctly(Please verify that you have the cred file saved to the credentials folder). I've updated the script to use your documents folder as working dir and creds dir. Also, try to run the ISE as admin to avoid permissions issues to write/read the CSV files. Could you try to see what is saved to the variable $Results? If the data is already there, you don't have to run the whole script again just use the line 105 to export the report to a folder location that you have permissions to write on.
<# .SYNOPSIS Get MBXs Stats, User Attribute(s), Folder(s) Counts .DESCRIPTION .NOTES Author: Erick A. Moreno Email: Date: 13 Jan 2020 PowerShell: v3 .References #requested: #> $CredentialsFolder = "$home\Documents\" $WorkingDir = "$home\Documents" $ScriptTime = Get-Date -UFormat "%m%d%Y-%H%M" #region Functions Function _Get-Sessions { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$CredentialsFolder, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$CredentialsFileName ) #region Check for Credentials File $TargetCredPath = $CredentialsFolder #Credential XML File Location $TargetCredName = $TargetCredPath + $CredentialsFileName #Write-Host $TargetCredName If(Test-Path $TargetCredName) { $TargetCred = Import-Clixml $TargetCredName } Else { $Cred = Get-Credential $Cred | Export-CliXml -Path $(Join-Path -path $TargetCredPath -ChildPath RemotePS.cred) $TargetCred = Import-Clixml $TargetCredName } #endregion #region connections $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $TargetCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection $NoOutput = Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber -Prefix O365 -CommandName "*Mailbox*","*User*" #endregion Return $Session } #endregion #region Open PS Sessions $TenantSession = _Get-Sessions -CredentialsFolder $CredentialsFolder -CredentialsFileName RemotePS.cred #endregion $MBXs = Get-O365Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited $Counter = $MBXs.count $Results = @() $NoDepartment = @() $Counter Foreach($MBX in $MBXs) { #Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300 $PsSessionState = $(Get-PsSession $TenantSession.Id).State If($($Counter/100) -match '^[0-9]+$' -or $PsSessionState -ne "Opened") { Remove-PSSession $TenantSession.Id -Confirm:$false Write-Host "Opening a new Session Each 100 iterations" -ForegroundColor Yellow $TenantSession = _Get-Sessions -CredentialsFolder $CredentialsFolder -CredentialsFileName RemotePS.cred } Write-Host "($Counter) Working On MBX: $($MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress)" -ForegroundColor Cyan $Stats = $null $UserData = $null $FolderItems = $null $UserData = Get-O365User $MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress If(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($UserData.Department))) { $Stats = Get-O365MailboxStatistics -Identity $MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress $FolderItems = Get-O365MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress | Where {$_.Name -match “Inbox|Sent Items|Deleted Items|Junk E-Mail”} | Select Name,ItemsInFolder #Add Folders as needed $Properties = [Ordered]@{ DisplayName = $MBX.DisplayName Department = $UserData.Department #Add properties as needed UserPrincipalName = $MBX.UserPrincipalName MailboxSizeMB = [math]::Round($($Stats.TotalItemSize.Value.ToString().Split("(")[1].Split(" ")[0].Replace(",","")/1MB),4) MailboxSizeGB = [math]::Round($($Stats.TotalItemSize.Value.ToString().Split("(")[1].Split(" ")[0].Replace(",","")/1GB),4) InboxItems = $($FolderItems | where{$_.Name -eq "Inbox"}).ItemsInFolder SentItems = $($FolderItems | where{$_.Name -eq "Sent Items"}).ItemsInFolder DeletedItems = $($FolderItems | where{$_.Name -eq "Deleted Items"}).ItemsInFolder JunkItems = $($FolderItems | where{$_.Name -eq "Junk E-Mail"}).ItemsInFolder PrimarySMTPAddress = $MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress } $Results += New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties } Else { Write-Host "Department Field is Empty Skipping MBX: $($MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress)" $NoDepartment += $($MBX.PrimarySmtpAddress) } $Counter-- } $Results | Export-Csv -Path "$WorkingDir\ReportMBXsStats_$ScriptTime.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Force $NoDepartment | Export-Csv -Path "$WorkingDir\NoDepartmentField_$ScriptTime.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Force Write-Host "Report Saved To: $WorkingDir\ReportMBXsStats_$ScriptTime.csv" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Report Saved To: $WorkingDir\NoDepartmentField_$ScriptTime.csv" -ForegroundColor Cyan
- lpmdvipFeb 14, 2020Copper Contributor
Erick A. Moreno R. This worked perfectly!! Thank you!! One more thing - would you be able to add a column for the last time the mailbox was accessed?