Forum Discussion

TJCooper440's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 09, 2022

Migrating H drives to One Drive - Create csv

I am trying to create a CSV to migrate H drives to one drive. The CSV needs to have the path to the H drive and the SharePoint path to one drive. I am having trouble creating a script that can export the two strings. This is what I have.





$users = Get-ADUser -Searchbase "OU=test,DC=Whatever,DC=LOC" -filter * 

Foreach ($user in $users) {
	$homedirectory = (Get-Aduser -Identity $user -properties homedirectory | Select homeDirectory )
	$OneDrivePath = "\\test\test\" + (Get-ADUser -Identity $user -properties SAMAccountName | Select SAMAccountname)
	$output = New-Object -Typename psobject -Property @{
		HomeDirectory = $homedirectory
		OneDrivePath = $OneDrivePath

$output | Select HomeDirectory, OneDrivePath | Export-csv "C:\temp\test.csv"






  • TJCooper440 Ah, no problem. Changed it again, a bit more compact and also using only one Get-Aduser like AndySvints mentioned 🙂 


    $Users = Get-ADUser -Searchbase "OU=users,OU=Corp,DC=test,DC=local" -Filter * -Properties HomeDirectory, SamAccountName
    $TotalOutput = @()
    Foreach ($User in $Users) {
        $OneDrivePath = "\\test\test\" + $user.SamAccountName + "_constoso_loc"
        $Output = New-Object -Typename psobject	
        $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HomeDirectory -Value $User.HomeDirectory
        $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OneDrivePath -Value $OneDrivePath
        $Totaloutput += $Output
    $Totaloutput | Export-csv "C:\temp\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation








  • TJCooper440 


    I Changed it a little bit for the $Homedirectory and $OneDrivePath but also for the Export-Csv.. Added a $totaloutput array to store the values in.




    $users = Get-ADUser -Searchbase "OU=users,OU=Corp,DC=test,DC=local" -filter * 
    $totaloutput = @()
    Foreach ($user in $users) {
        $homedirectory = (Get-Aduser -Identity $user -properties homedirectory | Select-Object homeDirectory ).HomeDirectory
        $OneDrivePath = "\\test\test\" + (Get-ADUser -Identity $user -properties SAMAccountName | Select-Object SAMAccountname).SamAccountName
        $output = New-Object -Typename psobject	
        $output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HomeDirectory -Value $homedirectory
        $output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OneDrivePath -Value $OneDrivePath
        $totaloutput += $output
    $totaloutput | Select-Object HomeDirectory, OneDrivePath | Export-csv "C:\temp\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation




    This gives me the following csv




    • AndySvints's avatar
      Steel Contributor

      Hello Harm_Veenstra and TJCooper440,

      In addition to Harm's reply I would like to add that instead of running Get-ADUser 3 times you can run it ones(on 1st line), and get all the needed properties(HomeDirectory, SAMAccountName etc.)  and then rotate them into PSObject as you needed.

      Also I would add user's first and last name to output array just for future reference and convenience.


      Hope that helps.

      • Harm_Veenstra's avatar
        You're right, I only fixed the output thing but yes.. More efficient like that
    • TJCooper440's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Thank you. That worked. How would I add more to this string. I realized the doc needs _contoso_loc to the end. I tried + "_contoso_loc", but its not working


      It needs to be \\test\test\(samaccountname)_constoso_loc.

      Again, thank you. It helped out tremendously.

      $OneDrivePath = "\\test\test\" + (Get-ADUser -Identity $user -properties SAMAccountName | Select-Object SAMAccountname).SamAccountName


      • Harm_Veenstra's avatar

        TJCooper440 Ah, no problem. Changed it again, a bit more compact and also using only one Get-Aduser like AndySvints mentioned 🙂 


        $Users = Get-ADUser -Searchbase "OU=users,OU=Corp,DC=test,DC=local" -Filter * -Properties HomeDirectory, SamAccountName
        $TotalOutput = @()
        Foreach ($User in $Users) {
            $OneDrivePath = "\\test\test\" + $user.SamAccountName + "_constoso_loc"
            $Output = New-Object -Typename psobject	
            $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name HomeDirectory -Value $User.HomeDirectory
            $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OneDrivePath -Value $OneDrivePath
            $Totaloutput += $Output
        $Totaloutput | Export-csv "C:\temp\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation







