Forum Discussion

pratikdarak21's avatar
Brass Contributor
Feb 13, 2024

Issue with Write-Host while using Get-Secret in PowerShell Version 5.1.14409.2001

Hi Team,


I have below lines of code in PowerShell script. While running the script in there is no message getting output for Write-Host for PS version 5.1.14409.2001. But, script is working fine for 5.1.22000.2713.


Could you please help me out how to solve the Write-Host issue ?


-- Code --

$startDateTime = Get-Date;
$invocationPath = Get-Location;

$logFilePath = "{0}\Log\{1}_{2}_{3}.log" -f $invocationPath, "GetSecretTest",$env:COMPUTERNAME, $startDateTime.ToString("ddMMyyHHmm");
if(Test-Path $logFilePath) { Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath -Confirm:$false; }

Start-Transcript -Path $logFilePath;

Write-Host "Get Password Start";

$Secret = Get-Secret -Name TestSecret -AsPlainText

Write-Host $Secret

Write-Host "Get Password End";



  • pratikdarak21's avatar
    Mar 01, 2024
    To solve the above issue, I have changed position of one line of code starting with "Get-Secret" above the Start-Transcript. This is workaround I have used for PS 5.1.14409.2001.
    • pratikdarak21's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      To solve the above issue, I have changed position of one line of code starting with "Get-Secret" above the Start-Transcript. This is workaround I have used for PS 5.1.14409.2001.