Forum Discussion
Is Get-PrivacyManagementRule a valid powershell command ?
farismalaeb I havent installed any 3rd party module.
See the output of that command below:
PS C:\Users\prakharathreya\Desktop> Get-Command Get-PrivacyManagementRule
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------ ----------- ---- ------- ----------------- ---- ------- ------
Function Get-PrivacyManagementRule 1.0 tmp_atkepqnj.kt1
try the following command
- prakharathreyaFeb 09, 2022Copper Contributor
It's the ExchangeOnline session
Id Name ComputerName ComputerType State ConfigurationName Availability
-- ---- ------------ ------------ ----- ----------------- ------------
5 ExchangeOnli... RemoteMachine Opened Microsoft.Exchange Available- farismalaebFeb 09, 2022Steel Contributor
I try to import the exchange management online module and I did not find the command.
even in exchange, I did not see a feature related to Privacy Rule Management.
I think you are using an outdated version, still not sure.
Let me know what are you looking to achieve?
- prakharathreyaFeb 09, 2022Copper ContributorTry to Connect to IPPSession first using below command:
It works only when I'm connected to it.