Forum Discussion

Paige__Tanner's avatar
Brass Contributor
Feb 27, 2024

Identify a running script in Get-Process and script PID

Hello! 1) While running a script with PowerShell 7.4, how to identify it from the output of Get-Process?   I tried to run for example C:\script\example_script.ps1 and, while the script was executi...
  • LainRobertson's avatar
    Feb 28, 2024



    A script isn't a process. It's uncompiled code that runs inside of an interpreter - a term you won't hear often in this era.


    So, there is no concept of a process id for a script, as the process - and therefore the process id - is implicitly that of the interpreter running the script.


    It's no different from earlier scripting iterations like those from the Windows Scripting Host (such as JavaScript and VBScript), where in that case, the process id would have been that of the Windows Scripting Host (be that WScript.exe or CScript.exe).


    Is there a particular challenge you're trying to solve or are you just curious about the topic?



