Forum Discussion
How can I pull up OS versions a Teams Device is Installed?
I search for this question but couldn't find an answer. I'm not sure if anyone answered it before but i want to know how i can see what OS employees are using on TEAMS.
Hi RedPanther10
You could use a KQL Query in Azure LogAnalytics:
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where AppDisplayName == "Microsoft Teams"
| where ResultType == 0 //Sucessful Login
| summarize count() by UserPrincipalName, tostring(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem), UserAgentIf you want to use it in PowerShell - maybe this Blog Article will give you some jump start
Andres Bohren
- Andres-BohrenSteel Contributor
Hi RedPanther10
You could use a KQL Query in Azure LogAnalytics:
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where AppDisplayName == "Microsoft Teams"
| where ResultType == 0 //Sucessful Login
| summarize count() by UserPrincipalName, tostring(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem), UserAgentIf you want to use it in PowerShell - maybe this Blog Article will give you some jump start
Andres Bohren
- randriksen_Brass Contributor
Andres-Bohren is right about where to look for the information, so you should give him the best reply.
A simple oneliner will give you the info with PowerShell.
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Reports Connect-MgGraph -Scope AuditLog.Read.All,Directory.Read.All Get-MgAuditLogSignIn -filter 'contains(appDisplayName,"Teams")' | select -Unique userprincipalname, appdisplayname, @{label="OS"; expression={$_.devicedetail.operatingsystem} }
edited with a little improvement, it takes a few minutes to run though
- randriksen_Brass Contributoror are you actually looking for teams devices? like desktop phones or meeting room equipment? as in something like this: