Forum Discussion

Baron164's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jul 14, 2022

How can I add group membership information to this csv export?

I am currently exporting a list of user accounts which have uidNumbers. So far so good, but now I need to also include in this export, group information. Specifically the gidNumber for each group every account is a member of. So if John Doe's account is a member of 10 groups, I would need the gidNumber from each of those groups to be included in this export as well.

Here is what I'm currently running

Get-ADUser -Filter "uidNumber -ge 0" -Properties Name,givenName,sn,uidNumber,userPrincipalName | select Name,givenName,sn,uidNumber,userPrincipalName | Sort-Object Name | export-csv -Path \\server\share\export.csv -NoTypeInformation

Here is one line of the current export as it exists now.


Since this account is a member of two groups, I need the line to look something like this:


In this case "9081" and "1734" are the gidNumbers tied to the groups that the user "xptest" is a member of.

What would be the best way of handling this?

  • Baron164 

    $AllUsers=Get-ADUser -Filter "uidNumber -ge 0" -Properties Name,givenName,sn,uidNumber,userPrincipalName 
    foreach ($singleuser in $AllUsers){
            Name = $singleuser.Name
        $AllGroups=Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $singleuser.SamAccountName
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $; $i++) {
        $GroupGid=Get-ADGroup -Properties gidNumber -Identity $AllGroups[$i].SamAccountName
            $Report | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Group$i" -NotePropertyValue $GroupGid.gidNumber


    Let me know 🙂 

  • farismalaeb's avatar
    Steel Contributor


    You will need to use a custom object to group all the content together. here is an example 



    $AllUsers=Get-ADUser -Filter "uidNumber -ge 0" -Properties Name,givenName,sn,uidNumber,userPrincipalName 
    foreach ($singleuser in $AllUsers){
            Name = $singleuser.Name
        $AllGroups=Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $singleuser.SamAccountName
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $; $i++) {
            $Report | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Group$i" -NotePropertyValue $AllGroups[$i].name

    The result looks like the following

    Name              : vdi2
    givenName         : vdi2
    sn                : 3
    uidNumber         : 1
    userPrincipalName : email address removed for privacy reasons
    Group0            : Domain Users
    Group1            : Discovery Management
    Group2            : Limited
    Group3            : Win 10 Pro - DC
    Group4            : High MGMT
    Group5            : InTunePOC


    • Baron164's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      So far so good, the only issue I have is that it's showing the group names instead of the gidNumber attribute. I tried changing the $ to $AllGroups.gidNumber but that does not work.
      • farismalaeb's avatar
        Steel Contributor
        Just to confirm, So you dont need the group name, you need to have the gidNumber
        So the output looks like
        Name : vdi2
        givenName : vdi2
        sn : 3
        uidNumber : 1
        userPrincipalName : email address removed for privacy reasons
        Group0 : 1231231
        Group1 : 123134234534

  • farismalaeb's avatar
    Steel Contributor
    Did the proposed solution fix your challenge ? If so please mark the response as best respone
