Forum Discussion
Help with code
Hello all
I have the following script that looks for all disabled users that have a value in the "manager" attribute. It works, however if no results are the script sends an email. I would like the script to not send an email if no results are found.
Thank you in advance.
Query all users all disabled users and remove value from manager attribute
Remove-Item -Path C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\*.csv -Force
$smtpFrom = ""
$smtpServer = "XXXX"
$today = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
$smtpto = ""
$message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtpfrom, $smtpto
$ToDay =Get-date -Format yyyMMdd
Import-Module activedirectory
$Disabled = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties samaccountname,manager,enabled | where {$_.manager -notlike $null -and $_.enabled -eq $False} |select samaccountname,enabled,manager,distinguishedname
$Disabled | Export-Csv -path C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\$today.csv -NoTypeInformation
$message.Subject = ("Disabled users that currently have manager. Manager wil be removed "+$today)
$disabledUser = Get-Item C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\$today.csv
$att3 = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($disabledUser)
$smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$Disabled = Import-Csv -Path C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\$today.csv
$Disabled |ForEach-Object {Set-ADUser -Identity $_.samaccountname -Manager $null}
Skipster311-1Try the modified version below. Also, might be wise to remove your email addresses 🙂 Two modifications:
1) Put a check around the code to send the email and make the AD changes to determine if there were any disabled users present in the $Disabled variable
2) There's no need to read the disabled users again from the CSV file, you already have them in the $Disabled variable
Remove-Item -Path C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\*.csv -Force $smtpFrom = "" $smtpServer = "BOS-EXC2016" $today = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd $smtpto = "XXX,XXX,XXX" $message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtpfrom, $smtpto $ToDay =Get-date -Format yyyMMdd Import-Module activedirectory $Disabled = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties samaccountname,manager,enabled | where {$_.manager -notlike $null -and $_.enabled -eq $False} |select samaccountname,enabled,manager,distinguishedname $Disabled | Export-Csv -path C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\$today.csv -NoTypeInformation if ($Disabled) { $message.Subject = ("Disabled users that currently have manager. Manager wil be removed "+$today) $disabledUser = Get-Item C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\$today.csv $att3 = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($disabledUser) $message.Attachments.Add($att3) $smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer) $smtpFrom $smtp.Send($message) $message.Attachments.Remove($att3) $Disabled |ForEach-Object {Set-ADUser -Identity $_.samaccountname -Manager $null} }
- pvanberloSteel Contributor
Skipster311-1Try the modified version below. Also, might be wise to remove your email addresses 🙂 Two modifications:
1) Put a check around the code to send the email and make the AD changes to determine if there were any disabled users present in the $Disabled variable
2) There's no need to read the disabled users again from the CSV file, you already have them in the $Disabled variable
Remove-Item -Path C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\*.csv -Force $smtpFrom = "" $smtpServer = "BOS-EXC2016" $today = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd $smtpto = "XXX,XXX,XXX" $message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtpfrom, $smtpto $ToDay =Get-date -Format yyyMMdd Import-Module activedirectory $Disabled = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties samaccountname,manager,enabled | where {$_.manager -notlike $null -and $_.enabled -eq $False} |select samaccountname,enabled,manager,distinguishedname $Disabled | Export-Csv -path C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\$today.csv -NoTypeInformation if ($Disabled) { $message.Subject = ("Disabled users that currently have manager. Manager wil be removed "+$today) $disabledUser = Get-Item C:\Temp\DisabledUsers\$today.csv $att3 = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($disabledUser) $message.Attachments.Add($att3) $smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer) $smtpFrom $smtp.Send($message) $message.Attachments.Remove($att3) $Disabled |ForEach-Object {Set-ADUser -Identity $_.samaccountname -Manager $null} }
- Skipster311-1Iron ContributorOkay, thank you, i will give this a try, and yes i should have removed the email addresses before posting. Thank you again.
- Skipster311-1Iron ContributorWorked great. Thank you again