Forum Discussion
GUI form front-end for Powershell
If you're talking about reusable and repeatable, then ShowUI is an interesting choice. Also, you can go native winforms. PowerShell studio is a pay-for product, but really good if you go down this road.
Finally, you could just use the builtin show-command. The trick is to create an advanced function with the appropriate parameters for your input. Ideally, you turn it into a psobject and pipe it to your next command that expects this as an InputObject. Here's an example of grabbing some input, executing, and displaying the object you created to the screen:
function get-something { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Occupation ) new-object psobject -property @{ Name=$name Occupation=$occupation } } iex (show-command get-something -passthru)
Thanks all for the suggestions.... I'm looking forward to trying out the various approaches. I did use PowerShell Studio for awhile...back a couple years ago.... wanted to see what might have become available since. ----Larry