Forum Discussion
Getting all SharePoint metadata fields
Hi all,
I'm looking to create a CSV export of all items on a SharePoint site. This includes the basic metadata fields (name, created date, modified date, etc.) as well as metadata fields added to either the list/library or associated with the item's content type.
I was able to get all the data and store it in a JSON structure.
"ContentTypeId": "0x01010...",
"FileLeafRef": "Sample File A - Test AAAA.docx",
"File_x0020_Type": "docx",
"HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type": null,
"ComplianceAssetId": null,
"Title": "Sample File",
"TemplateUrl": null,
"LegacyPath": null,
"TaxGroup": [
"TaxLookup": [
"LookupId": 2,
"LookupValue": "YT8zNQN...RNQ==",
"TypeId": "{GUID}"
"AdvisoryCategory": [
What I need to do now is get any property that a list or object and get the child properties for it (e.g. TaxGroup, TaxLookup, AdvisoryCategory. Can someone provide some input on how to get it?
- farismalaebSteel Contributor
I Hope this can help.
So the challenge is nether the property is known and even not able to call it as its totally unknown
I used to loop through all the object and get the Member type and base on the result do the requirement.
this is a simple sample, but I hope it give an idea.
$MyJson=Get-Content -Path C:\PortQryV2\1.txt -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $Objects=$MyJson | gm -MemberType NoteProperty | where {$_.Definition -like "*system.Object*"} $Objects.ForEach{ Write-Host "The Property " -NoNewline Write-Host $($ -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " has the following properties" $MyJson.($ Write-Host "" }
- Haniel CroitoruLearn Expert
Thanks for your reply. Actually, I needed to get each dynamic member, check its type, and then act accordingly. Here's a snippet of what I did.
$members = Get-Member -InputObject $fields -MemberType NoteProperty foreach ($mem in $members) { if ($null -ne $fields.($mem.Name)) { $type = $fields.($mem.Name).GetType().BaseType.Name # if the item is an array, concatenate the values with a | if ($fields.($mem.Name).GetType().BaseType.Name -eq "Array") { $fields.($mem.Name) = $fields.($mem.Name) -join "|" } elseif ($fields.($mem.Name).GetType().BaseType.Name -eq "Object") { # if it's a term, then add the value and term GUID $internalObject = New-Object PSObject $fields.($mem.Name) if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($internalObject)) { if ($internalObject -like "*TermGuid*") { $fields.($mem.Name) = $internalObject.Label + "|" + $internalObject.TermGuid } } } } }
- farismalaebSteel Contributor
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