Forum Discussion
Nov 07, 2022Iron Contributor
Get-WinEvent FilterXPath options
Hi, I'm kind of new to powershell and trying to generate an alert on RDP logons to certain machines by certain users. So I've found a nice code to do it, and tweak it a bit for what I need. But ther...
- Nov 08, 2022
Hi dmarquesgn:
Append this to filter by a specific username:
and *[UserData[EventXML[@xmlns='Event_NS'][Param1='dmarquesgn']]]
The full xpath filter will look like this:
<QueryList><Query Id='0'><Select Path='Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational'>*[System[(EventID=1149) and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= 604800000]]] and *[UserData[EventXML[@xmlns='Event_NS'][Param1='dmarquesgn']]]</Select></Query></QueryList>
- I created variables for the filterxpath and username out to separate variables
- I replaced the Invoke-Command block with the "-ComputerName" parameter in the Get-WinEvent cmdlet.
Here's the full script block:
$computername = "servername" $username = "dmarquesgn" $FilterPath = "<QueryList><Query Id='0'><Select Path='Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational'>*[System[(EventID=1149) and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) <= 604800000]]] and *[UserData[EventXML[@xmlns='Event_NS'][Param1='{0}']]]</Select></Query></QueryList>" -f $username $RDPAuths = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $computername -LogName 'Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational' -FilterXPath $FilterPath [xml[]]$xml=$RDPAuths | Foreach { $_.ToXml() } $EventData = Foreach ($event in $xml.Event) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TimeCreated = (Get-Date ($event.System.TimeCreated.SystemTime) -Format 'dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss') User = $event.UserData.EventXML.Param1 Domain = $event.UserData.EventXML.Param2 Client = $event.UserData.EventXML.Param3 } } $EventData | FT
Iron Contributor
Thanks for the help. It's exactly what I need.
Only the -ComputerName parameter doesn't work, that's why I'm using Invoke-Command. When I use the -ComputerName I get this error:
Get-WinEvent : The RPC server is unavailable
When I use Invoke, there's no issue with it and runs fine.
Thanks for the help. It's exactly what I need.
Only the -ComputerName parameter doesn't work, that's why I'm using Invoke-Command. When I use the -ComputerName I get this error:
Get-WinEvent : The RPC server is unavailable
When I use Invoke, there's no issue with it and runs fine.
Nov 08, 2022Iron Contributor
By the way, one other issue with this script.
I want to generate an alert which will be sent by email with this information.
But for that I need that the $EventData variable can be used outside the Invoke-Command, so I can concatenate the info from all servers and then sent it over email.
How can I use the variable outside the Invoke-Command?
I want to generate an alert which will be sent by email with this information.
But for that I need that the $EventData variable can be used outside the Invoke-Command, so I can concatenate the info from all servers and then sent it over email.
How can I use the variable outside the Invoke-Command?
- Alan2022Nov 14, 2022Iron Contributor
Hi,For email alerts try this 🙂 dmarquesgnNov 15, 2022Iron ContributorThanks for the tip.