Forum Discussion

tincho1984's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 23, 2022

Get nested groups in a group with members in an excel file

Hi everyone, I have the following quest powershell script:     Function Get-NestedGroupMember($group) { Get-QADGroupMember $group | foreach{ if($_.type -eq "group"){Get-NestedGroupMember($_)} ...
  • LainRobertson's avatar
    Jun 28, 2022



    Yeah, okay. So, you're after more of a detailed mapping rather than simply enumerating the members.


    That being the case, you were on the right track, as to pull that additional metadata, you need to perform a separate call per member to the additional AD object of that member so you can in turn fetch things like objectClass and whatever else you want.


    I've dropped another example below - which I'm a bit ashamed of as it's a rush job that uses Microsoft's ActiveDirectory module, but it probably does what you want and you already seem to be leveraging additional modules, so here goes.


    PS: You could name the script whatever you like - I've provided a name simply so the examples further down align with the name.



        [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $Name
    # Let's get a domain controller reference to work with consistently throughout the script.
    $Server = (Get-ADRootDSE).dNSHostName;
    function Get-ADGroupMemberMappings([Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADObject] $InputObject)
        if ($InputObject -and $InputObject.member)
            foreach ($MemberPath in $InputObject.member)
                $Member = Get-ADObject -Server "$($Script:Server):3268" -Identity $MemberPath -Properties member -ErrorAction:Stop;
                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    ObjectID = $InputObject.ObjectGUID;
                    Group = $InputObject.Name;
                    MemberType = $Member.objectClass;
                    Member = $Member.distinguishedName;
                if ($Member.objectClass -ceq "group")
                    Get-ADGroupMemberMappings -InputObject $Member;
    Get-ADGroupMemberMappings -InputObject (Get-ADObject -Server $Server -Filter { (objectClass -eq "group") -and (cn -eq $Name) } -Properties member);



    Example usage:


    You can assign that to a variable, pipe it to a CSV, etc. etc.


    Anyhow, see if that's more in line with what you were after.



    Just to quickly mention that some of the built-in groups like Domain Computers and Domain Users - for which the "member" attribute are dynamically constructed - do not get enumerated when searching. Some extra legwork needs to be done to capture their members but I skipped doing so as it wasn't going to be time well spent.


    You can tackle that unique requirement if you'd like but there's little value in doing so since you already know what the membership for those will be.



