Forum Discussion
Get-MsolUser primary SMTP and other info
I need to get primary SMTP address and also other info like country etc.
I run this command, but I don´t know how to add other info after Select.
Get-MsolUser -All | Select -Expand Proxyaddresses | ? {$_ -cmatch '^SMTP\:.*'} | Out-GridView
With this command I´ll only get the email address of user and nothing else
- LainRobertsonSilver Contributor
There's a couple of different topics going on here.
First, I'd encourage you to get off the MSOnline module and onto the Microsoft.Graph.* series of modules wherever possible. You can read more about why in the following (re-)announcement:
That said, the initial question doesn't relate to MSOnline - or any other module, as it's purely a question of the impact of using -ExpandProperty, which is best demonstrated with an example.
The first example does not use -ExpandProperty and therefore shows the requested properties.
In the second example, I've added -ExpandProperty and now all I see - as you already noted in your original post - is an expansion of proxyAddresses, with the other attributes nowhere to be found.
This is expected behaviour and is well-described in the documentation:
So, in short, the properties are there but you can't easily see them, and this is reflected in your Out-GridView.
You can work around the standardised formatting as illustrated below, but it feels like this part of the discussion is unnecessary, so after pasting in the example (I have bothered including the SMTP filtering), I'm going to drop this part of the conversation.
Get-MgBetaUser -UserId "email address removed for privacy reasons" -Property * | Select-Object -Property id, userPrincipalName, proxyAddresses -ExpandProperty proxyAddresses | Select-Object -Property id, userPrincipalName, @{ n="proxyAddress"; e={ $_ } };
Since the primary SMTP address is already reflected in the "Mail" attribute, why don't you simply pull that and dispense with the case-sensitive matching against proxyAddresses altogether?
Taking this approach gets you back to easily being able to then add additional attributes to pull such as "Country", etc.
Get-MgBetaUser -UserId "email address removed for privacy reasons" -Property * | Select-Object -Property id, userPrincipalName, country, mail;
This would reduce your command to the following:
Get-MgBetaUser -UserId "email address removed for privacy reasons" -Property * | Select-Object -Property id, userPrincipalName, country, mail | Out-GridView;
- SauPomCopper ContributorThank you for your reply. Actually that last works really well other than I also need to add to script licenses property and I cannot find that from Get-MgBetaUser. Any advice on that?
It´s like I need to get all the users with E3 license sorted by country and primary SMTP.- LainRobertsonSilver Contributor
It can be done but it's not "easy" - particularly if you want the resulting data to mean something to the people reading the final report.
Here's an example script that illustrates one approach.
Note: A user can - and almost always will - have more than one product licenced to them, hence productNames is an array.
# Import the Microsoft CSV containing the translations. I'm going to use a Dictionary for storage as it's faster on lookups. $MsProducts = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[guid],[string]]]::new(); Import-Csv -Path "D:\Data\ms-products-and-plans.csv" | ForEach-Object { if (-not $MsProducts.ContainsKey($_.GUID)) { $MsProducts.Add($_.GUID, $_.Product_Display_Name); } } # Pull the list of users from Graph and output just the data we're interested in. Get-MgBetaUser -All -Property * | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject] @{ id = $; userPrincipalName = $_.userPrincipalName; country = $; mail = $_.mail; productNames = $_.AssignedLicenses | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne ($Name = $MsProducts[$_.SkuId])) { $Name; } else { "Unlisted product ($($_.SkuId))"; } } } }