Forum Discussion
foreach loop not working
$result = @()
$result += "KeyVaultCertName, KeyVaultName, KeyVaultCertExpiryDate"
$KEYVAULTS=$(az keyvault list --query "[].name")
$AllKeyVaultCerts = $(az keyvault certificate list --vault-name "$KEYVAULT" --query "[].name")
foreach($KeyVaultCert in $AllKeyVaultCerts){
$KeyVaultName = $KeyVaultCert.VaultName
$KeyVaultCertName = $KeyVaultCert.Name
$KeyVaultCertEnabled = $KeyVaultCert.Enabled
$KeyVaultCertExpiryDate = $KeyVaultCert.expires
if($KeyVaultCertExpiryDate -lt ((Get-Date).AddDays(50))){
$result+="$KeyVaultCertName, $KeyVaultName, $KeyVaultCertEnabled, $KeyVaultCertExpiryDate"
the foreach loop is not working and hence I am not able to iterate through the KEYVAULTS
also, getting same output for KEYVAULT and KEYVAULTS
ERROR: Max retries exceeded attempting to connect to Vault. The Vault may not exist or you may need to
flush your DNS cache and try again later.
- LainRobertsonSilver Contributor
You might find the Microsoft Azure Resource Manager module a little easier to use:
Here's the sample script that uses it.
$ExpiryThreshold = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddDays(50); Get-AzKeyVault | ForEach-Object { $Vault = $_; Get-AzKeyVaultCertificate -VaultName ($Vault.VaultName) | Where-Object { $_.Expires -lt $ExpiryThreshold; } | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject] @{ VaultName = $Vault.VaultName; Name = $_.Name; Enabled = $_.Enabled; Expires = $_.Expires.ToString("u"); } } }
Which produces this output (I had to increase the expiry threshold given the dates were a year from now, but we're focusing on the formatting here, not the values):
You can add Export-Csv to pipe that to a CSV file if you so desire.
I can't really speak to your error. It may be accurate or it may not - I cannot discern one way or another.