Forum Discussion

PowerShell330's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 11, 2024

Filter Already Archived Teams



I have a script to add MS groups that are teams enabled to a SP list.


However it's adding items that are already archived, I only want it to add items that haven't been archived?


I am getting the usage records and checking if that group ID has an ID also in Teams so I know that it's a teams enabled group or not. 


I think there is a isArchived parameter in Get-Team that could be used but I don't know how to write the code?



# Check and validate each M365 Group
ForEach ($UsageRecord in $UsageData) {
	Write-Output "Proceed list entry $($Counter) from $($Count)..."
	if ($UsageRecord.'Is Deleted' -eq "True") {

   # Get Group ID and validate if it is Teams enabled
	$GroupId = $UsageRecord."Group Id"
	$TeamsEnabled = $AllTeams | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $GroupId}
	if (!$TeamsEnabled)  {
		Write-Output "M365 Group with Id $($GroupId) is not Teams enabled- skip this record"

    $Archived = $AllTeams | Where-Object ($_.Id -eq $GroupId ) 






  • That would depend on how you've populated those variables. Share the full script if possible.
    • PowerShell330's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi VasilMichev Below is the full script. Any help most appreciated. Thanks  


      # Script gets M365 Groups activity details and filters based on last activity date
      # for inactive Teams.
      # Inactive M365 groups are written to a SharePoint Online list
      # created by Thorsten Pickhan
      # Initial script created on 01.12.2022 (12/01/2022)
      # 20231004 - Rewrite script to Managed Identity mode
      # 20240415 - Filter M365 groups to Teams enabled only
      # Version 1.2
      # PowerShell 7.2 is required
      # PNP PowerShell is required in Version
      # Microsoft Graph PowerShell in version 2.6.1 required
      # Microsoft.Graph.Authtentication
      # Microsoft.Graph.Reports
      # Microsoft.Graph.Teams
      # Should M365 Report data be concealed?
      # more information can be found here
      $DisConcealedDisplayName = "True"
      try {
          # Logging in to Azure.
          Connect-AzAccount -Identity | Out-Null
          # Get token and connect to MgGraph
          Connect-MgGraph -Identity -NoWelcome
      } catch {
          Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
          throw $_.Exception
      # Function to disable or enable concealed M365 Reports
      # Attention: Graph API endpoint is still beta (Oct 2023)
      function SetM365ReportSettings ([bool]$action){
          Write-Output "Setting M365 Report settings..."
          $HeaderApp = @{
              Authorization = "$((Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceTypeName MSGraph).type) $((Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceTypeName MSGraph).token)"
          # GraphAPI endpoint for report settings
          $GraphApiUrl = ""
          # Get current state for DisplayConcealedNames in M365 Usage Reports
          $FeatureEnabled = $action
          $ReportSettingsGet = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $HeaderApp -Uri $GraphApiUrl -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get
          $CurrentStatus = $ReportSettingsGet.displayConcealedNames
          Write-Output "Current State: $($CurrentStatus)"
          Write-Output "Requested State: $($FeatureEnabled)"
          if ($CurrentStatus -ne $FeatureEnabled) {
              # if DisplayConcealedNames is false, enable it
              # else disable it
              if ($FeatureEnabled -eq $true) {
                  #Write-Output "Enabling displayConcealedNames to hidde display Name from M365 Groups, Owner and member"
                  $GraphApiBody = "{
                      ""displayConcealedNames"": ""true""
                  $ReportSettingsSet = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $HeaderApp -Uri $GraphApiUrl -Body $GraphApiBody -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Patch
                  $ReportSettingsGet = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $HeaderApp -Uri $GraphApiUrl -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get
                  #Write-Output "Setting after update: $($ReportSettingsGet.displayConcealedNames)"
              if ($FeatureEnabled -eq $false) {
                  #Write-Output "Disabling displayConcealedNames to display Name from M365 Groups, Owner and member"
                  $GraphApiBody = "{
                      ""displayConcealedNames"": ""false""
                  $ReportSettingsSet = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $HeaderApp -Uri $GraphApiUrl -Body $GraphApiBody -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Patch
                  $ReportSettingsGet = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $HeaderApp -Uri $GraphApiUrl -ContentType 'application/json' -Method Get
                  #Write-Output "Setting after update: $($ReportSettingsGet.displayConcealedNames)"
          else {
              Write-Output "no change required"
      # Define the SharePoint teamsite Url where the list is located - please edit
      $RootURL = ""
      # Define the SharePoint Online List Id - please edit
      $SharePointList = "Lists/InactiveTeams"
      # Connect to SharePoint Online
      Write-Output "Start connecting to SharePoint Online.."
      Connect-PnPOnline -ManagedIdentity -Url $RootUrl | Out-Null
      $RootConnection = Get-PnPConnection
      if ($RootConnection) {
          Write-Output "SharePoint Online succesfully connected!"
      else {
          Write-Output "SharePoint Online connection failed!"
          Write-Output "Script will stop now"
      # Define the period of report [D7, D30, D90, D180]
      $PeriodOfReport = "D30"
      # Define the CSV file path for usage report data
      $CsvFileName = ".\report.csv"
      # If Concelead Reports should be disbaled, run function
      if ($DisConcealedDisplayName -eq "true") {
          SetM365ReportSettings -action $False
      try {
          $TempReports = Get-MgReportOffice365GroupActivityDetail -Period $PeriodOfReport -OutFile $CsvFileName -ErrorAction Stop
      catch {
          # If Concelead Reports should be disbaled, run function to reeanble it
          if ($DisConcealedDisplayName -eq "true") {
              SetM365ReportSettings -action $True
          Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
      # If Concelead Report should be disbaled, run function to re-eanble it
      if ($DisConcealedDisplayName -eq "true") {
          SetM365ReportSettings -action $True
      # Import M365 Usage report data
      $UsageData = Import-Csv $CsvFileName
      $Count = $UsageData.count
      $Counter = 1
      # Set check date to compare with the last activity date
      # Checkdate is set to today minus 30 days
      # please customize to fit your business needs
      $CheckDate = (Get-Date).adddays(-30)
      # Get all Teams enabled M365 Groups
      # Filter Usage Data on Teams enabled M365 groups only
      # Only these groups can be archived
      $AllTeams = Get-MgTeam
      # Check and validate each M365 Group
      ForEach ($UsageRecord in $UsageData) {
      	Write-Output "Proceed list entry $($Counter) from $($Count)..."
      	if ($UsageRecord.'Is Deleted' -eq "True") {
         # Get Group ID and validate if it is Teams enabled
      	$GroupId = $UsageRecord."Group Id"
      	$TeamsEnabled = $AllTeams | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $GroupId}
      	if (!$TeamsEnabled) {
      		Write-Output "M365 Group with Id $($GroupId) is not Teams enabled- skip this record"
          # Set columne values for SharePoint list entry
      	$ReportRefreshDate = $UsageRecord."Report Refresh Date"
      	$GroupDisplayName = $UsageRecord."Group Display Name"
      	$IsDeleted = $UsageRecord."Is Deleted"
      	$OwnerPrincipalName = $UsageRecord."Owner Principal Name"
      	$LastActivityDate = $UsageRecord."Last Activity Date"
      	$GroupType = $UsageRecord."Group Type"
      	$MemberCount = $UsageRecord."Member Count"
      	$ExternalMemberCount = $UsageRecord."External Member Count"
      	$ExchangeReceivedEmailCount = $UsageRecord."Exchange Received Email Count"
      	$SharePointActiveFileCount = $UsageRecord."SharePoint Active File Count"
      	$YammerPostedMessageCount  = $UsageRecord."Yammer Posted Message Count"
      	$YammerReadMessageCount = $UsageRecord."Yammer Read Message Count"
      	$YammerLikedMessageCount = $UsageRecord."Yammer Liked Message Count"
      	$ExchangeMailboxTotalItemCount = $UsageRecord."Exchange Mailbox Total Item Count"
      	$ExchangeMailboxStorageUsedByte = $UsageRecord."Exchange Mailbox Storage Used (Byte)"
      	$SharePointTotalFileCount = $UsageRecord."SharePoint Total File Count"
      	$SharePointSiteStorageUsedByte = $UsageRecord."SharePoint Site Storage Used (Byte)"
      	$ReportPeriod = $UsageRecord."Report Period"
          # Check if there is a last activity date in CSV
      	if ($LastActivityDate) {
      		$LastActiveDate = Get-Date $LastActivityDate
      	else {
      		$LastActiveDate = Get-Date "01.01.1900"
      		try {
      			# No activity Teams should be archived
                  Write-Output "Adding $($GroupDisplayName) to the list..."
      			$AddSPListPerm = Add-PnPListItem -List $SharePointList -Values @{"ReportRefreshDate" = $ReportRefreshDate; "GroupDisplayName" = $GroupDisplayName; "Title" = $GroupDisplayName; "IsDeleted" = $IsDeleted; "GroupOwners" = $OwnerPrincipalName; "LastActivityDate" = $LastActiveDate; "GroupType" = $GroupType; "MemberCount" = $MemberCount; "ExternalMemberCount" = $ExternalMemberCount; "ExchangeReceivedEmailCount" = $ExchangeReceivedEmailCount; "SharePointActiveFileCount" = $SharePointActiveFileCount; "ExchangeMailboxTotalItemCount" = $ExchangeMailboxTotalItemCount; "ExchangeMailboxStorageUsedByte" = $ExchangeMailboxStorageUsedByte; "SharePointSiteStorageUsedByte" = $SharePointSiteStorageUsedByte; "GroupId" = $GroupId; "ReportPeriod" = $ReportPeriod; "ShouldBeArchived" ="True"; "IsArchived" ="False"; "ApprovedToArchive" ="False" } -Connection $RootConnection -ErrorAction Stop
      		catch {
      			Write-Output $LastActiveDate
      			Write-Output "Could not add entry to SharePoint List - $($_.Exception.Message)"
          # if Last Activity date exists, check M365 group activity over the last 30 days
      	if ($LastActiveDate -lt $CheckDate){
      		try {
      			# No activity -> Teams should be archived
                  Write-Output "Adding $($GroupDisplayName) to the list..."
      			$AddSPListPerm = Add-PnPListItem -List $SharePointList -Values @{"ReportRefreshDate" = $ReportRefreshDate; "GroupDisplayName" = $GroupDisplayName; "Title" = $GroupDisplayName; "IsDeleted" = $IsDeleted; "GroupOwners" = $OwnerPrincipalName; "LastActivityDate" = $LastActiveDate; "GroupType" = $GroupType; "MemberCount" = $MemberCount; "ExternalMemberCount" = $ExternalMemberCount; "ExchangeReceivedEmailCount" = $ExchangeReceivedEmailCount; "SharePointActiveFileCount" = $SharePointActiveFileCount; "ExchangeMailboxTotalItemCount" = $ExchangeMailboxTotalItemCount; "ExchangeMailboxStorageUsedByte" = $ExchangeMailboxStorageUsedByte; "SharePointSiteStorageUsedByte" = $SharePointSiteStorageUsedByte; "GroupId" = $GroupId; "ReportPeriod" = $ReportPeriod; "ShouldBeArchived" ="True"; "IsArchived" ="False"; "ApprovedToArchive" ="False" } -Connection $RootConnection -ErrorAction Stop
      		catch {
      			Write-Output $LastActiveDate
      			Write-Output $GroupDisplayName
      			Write-Output "Could not add entry to SharePoint List - $($_.Exception.Message)"