Forum Discussion
extract appid from decoded jwttoken
I have below ymal . where I am using PowerShell script to extract app from Jw token after decoding it . I am not able to get exact app id ( guid ) from the decoded object. it is coming as ***
Could someone suggest me how to extract appid from jwt token.
- name: jwttoken
default: ''
- powershell: |
$encodedToken = '${{ parameters.jwttoken }}'
Write-Host $encodedToken
$tokenParts = $encodedToken -split '\.'
$tokenPayload = $tokenParts[1]
#Fix padding as needed, keep adding "=" until string length modulus 4 reaches 0
while ($tokenPayload.Length % 4) { Write-Verbose "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string, adding ="; $tokenPayload += "=" }
$decodedPayload = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($tokenPayload))
$tokenObject = $decodedPayload | ConvertFrom-Json
$appId = $tokenObject.appid
Write-Host $appId
- LainRobertsonSilver Contributor
Hi, Rajendra.
From having a read of the following article, I quickly knocked up two functions that reliably (for me) decide the JWT. The appid field is in "proper" GUID notation.
I tested using certificate-based authentication (i.e. servicePrincipal + certificate).
For testing purposes, I obtained a token (stored in $Token) using Get-AzAccessToken.
From your sample code, what I'm seeing missing is the reversal of the two special character replacements - as per the reference documentation below.
PowerShell functions
function Get-NormalisedTokenSection { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $TokenSection ) $Value = $TokenSection.Replace("_", "/").Replace("-", "+"); switch ($Value.Length % 4) { 1 { $Value += "==="; break; } 2 { $Value += "=="; break; } 3 { $Value += "="; break; } } [string]::new([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Value)) | ConvertFrom-Json; } function Get-TokenSections { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Token ) if (3 -ne ($Sections = $Token.Split(".")).Length) { throw("Invalid access token."); } [PSCustomObject] @{ Header = Get-NormalisedTokenSection -TokenSection $Sections[0]; Claim = Get-NormalisedTokenSection -TokenSection $Sections[1]; } }
Output (scoped down to just the appid)
- Rajendra605Microsoft
even I am using replacement , I am getting same issue .
$TokenSection.Replace("_", "/").Replace("-", "+");
actually when I am passing hard coded value in $tokensection variable , then I am able to appid in guid format else I am getting ***
- LainRobertsonSilver Contributor
The only other diagnostic I can think of is to compare tokens, as the only kind I compared against is an Azure JWT.
You're not using the value from a header, are you, which begins with "Bearer "?
Perhaps purely for the sake of testing, you can fetch a token using the Az.Accounts module, using Get-AzAccessToken, and use the Token property of the returned object to test your existing user-defined function.