Forum Discussion
Dec 07, 2022Brass Contributor
exit powershell scriptS when imbricated
Hello, I have a script main.ps1 called with parameters "-environment PRD" or "-environment "PILOT". This main script calls a toolbox.ps1 script which is like this : switch ($environment) ...
Dec 11, 2022Steel Contributor
Hello John_Dodo,
One of the quick & dirty and pretty simple option would be to throw an exception.
Something like this:
switch ($environment) {
#define PILOT vars
"PRD" {
#define PRD vars
default {
throw "!!! No Environment provided !! Closing the script."
It will generate terminating error and will end you child and main scripts.
Hope that helps.
Thank you.
- John_DodoDec 12, 2022Brass Contributor
Hi AndySvints ,
it seems to work indeed, though it is "quick n dirty" as you mentionned 🙂
I'll use this method for the moment and see if I can find something cleaner in the future.
Thank you.