Forum Discussion

Ronald Kushner's avatar
Ronald Kushner
Copper Contributor
Mar 10, 2023

Error using Remove-AdminPowerApp in the Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell module

I am trying to use `Remove-AdminPowerApp`. I am a PowerPlatform admin, and I am running PowerShell in Administrator mode. The error says: "InvokeApi : The term 'Test-PowerAppsAccount' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or

operable program."


When I try to `Install-Module -name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell`, the error says, "The following commands are already available on this system:'Add-PowerAppsAccount, Get-JwtToken, Get-TenantDetailsFromGraph, Get-UsersOrGroupsFromGraph, InvokeApi, Remove-PowerAppsAccount, ReplaceMacro, Select-CurrentEnvironment, Test-PowerAppsAccount'."


The ISE shows:




  • Ronald Kushner's avatar
    Ronald Kushner
    Mar 15, 2023
    The term 'Add-PowerAppsAccount' is not recognized...
    But now I have installed PWSH (PowerShell 7) and it looks like everything works there!
