Forum Discussion

WillCun's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 11, 2021

disconnect-vpnuser error. (Powershell, RRAS)



I'm trying to disconnect a user from a RRAS VPN Server with the below PowerShell command:


disconnect-vpnuser -username domain\username


However, I get the below error when the command is run.  The user is definitely connected to the VPN.  Has anyone got a remedy for the below error when running disconnect-vpnuser:


disconnect-vpnuser : User domain\username cannot be disconnected.
At line:1 char:1
+ disconnect-vpnuser -UserName domain\username
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (domain\username:root/Microsoft/...ces
s/PS_VpnUser) [Disconnect-VpnUser], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : REMOTEACCESS 200,Disconnect-VpnUser

  • farismalaeb's avatar
    Steel Contributor
    Which Windows version are you using.
    Type the following commands after you get the failure.


    If you used the GUI, are able to disconnect the user
    Also when you can the error from Windows PowerShell, did you check Windows Event Log \ PowerShell
    • WillCun's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Thanks for the reply.  When I run the commands you suggested here is what I get:


      Category : NotSpecified
      Activity : Disconnect-VpnUser
      Reason : CimException
      TargetName : thrws
      TargetType : root/Microsoft/Windows/RemoteAccess/PS_VpnUser


      User thrws cannot be disconnected.


      I'm using Windows Server 2012R2 and yes I can disconnect them from the RRAS Console.  There are no errors in the Event Viewer for Powershell.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • WillCun's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Today I installed Universal C Runtime and also installed PowerShell 7.1.3 and I still get the same errors.
      • farismalaeb's avatar
        Steel Contributor

        PowerShell will use some CIM classes to do this task, lets try it and run the following command in the RRAS Server itself

        ComputerName =$null
        PassThru = $null
        UserName = @('DOMAIN\TheUserName')
        Invoke-CimMethod -ClassName PS_VpnUser -Namespace "Root\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess" -MethodName "DisconnectByUserName" -Arguments $xArg

        Btw, are you using Microsoft Direct Access or its just an RRAS

        Let me know if the command above disconnects the user.
        in the background, this is what PowerShell should be calling.
