Forum Discussion

Jord9857's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 01, 2021

Creating Users with a CSV

Hi all,


I'm trying to create a script which will pull user's info from a .csv, check the user's DisplayName with AD to make sure a user with that DisplayName doesn't already exist, does exact same with user's SamAccountName after.


Once done these checks, if the user's DisplayName & SamAccountName doesn't already exist in AD it will then create the users with the info from the .csv then it will check if that user has been successfully created by checking - else, it'll say it was unsuccessful. I'm doing something similar like this with importing computers into AD too but same issue.


This script has worked for creating single user's but when it comes to creating multiple user's, it gets itself in a muddle.


I've done a lot of research and testing e.g. trying to use the 'break' but that causes the whole script to stop after the first user is detected as it's exists, trying to use 'continue' but it didn't make much difference, trying to bracket bits off, tried doing if 'false' or if 'true' after the $? wildcard, trying different operators and wildcards, using if-not and else etc but just can't seem to function properly.


There maybe a lot of questioning why I've done certain commands instead of other commands, a lot of this script has been me researching and testing on my lab (none of this info is genuine user's info, it's just self learning on my lab) 


I'm open to any command recommendations or suggestions as I mentioned, this is purely for self learning and lab purposes.




# Start Commands
Write-Host "STARTED SCRIPT`r`n"

# Import Active Directory Module For Running AD Cmdlets
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Store The Data From ADUsers.csv in THE $ADUsers variable
$filepath = Import-Csv -Path C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\users1.csv

# Loop through each row containing user details in the csv file
ForEach ($user in ($filepath))

# Check if User(s) display name already exists
$ADUser = Get-AdUser -Filter {$displayname -eq $User.DisplayName}
if ($ADUser -is 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser') {Write-Host "$displayname already exists" -ForegroundColor Red}

# Check if User(s) username already exists
$ADUser = Get-AdUser -Filter {$SamAccountName -eq $User.SamAccountName}
if ($ADUser -is 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser') {Write-Host "$SamAccountName already exists" -ForegroundColor Red}

    # Read user data from each field in each row and assign the data to a variable as below
    $displayname = $User.'firstname' + " " + $User.'lastname'
    $firstname = $User.'firstname'
    $lastname = $User.'lastname'
    $jobtitle = $User.'jobtitle'
    $telephone = $User.'telephone'
    $department = $User.'department'
    $UPN = $User.'email'
    $SamAccountName = $User.'username'
    $EmailAddress = $User.'email'
    $Password = $User.'password'
    $OU = $User.'OU'
    # Create New AD Users
    New-ADUser -Name "$displayname" -DisplayName "$displayname" -GivenName "$firstname" -Surname "$lastname" -Title "$jobtitle" -OfficePhone "$telephone" -Department "$department" -UserPrincipalName "$UPN" -SamAccountName "$SamAccountName" -EmailAddress "$EmailAddress" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force) -Enabled $true -Path "$OU" -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true -PasswordNeverExpires $false
    # Confirm Commands
    $? | out-null
    $ADUser = Get-ADUser -Filter {DisplayName -eq $displayname}
    if ($ADUser -is 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser') {Write-Host "$displayname account was successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green}
    else {Write-Host "$displayname account was unsuccessfully created" -ForegroundColor Red}

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

# Finish Commands
Write-Host "FINISHED SCRIPT`r`n"




This is the CSV it's pulling the info from.



firstname	lastname	jobtitle	telephone	department	username	email	password	OU
Fred	Jones	Maths Teacher	987654321	Maths	Fred.Jones	Fred.Jones@Jord.Local	Hello2021!	OU=Teaching Staff,OU=Users,OU=Test,DC=Jord,DC=Local
Fred	Try	Administrator	123456789	Admin	Fred.Try	Fred.Try@Jord.Local	Hello2021!	OU=Admin Staff,OU=Users,OU=Test,DC=Jord,DC=Local
Ren	Jones	English Teacher	134258679	English	Ren.Jones	Ren.Jones@Jord.Local	Hello2021!	OU=Customers,OU=Users,OU=Test,DC=Jord,DC=Local
Sophie	Hop	Lanuages Teacher	174392834	Languages	Sophie.Hop	Sophie.Hop@Jord.Local	Hello2021!	OU=Other,OU=Users,OU=Test,DC=Jord,DC=Local





This is the output of the script



PS C:\Users\Administrator> \\FREENAS\Network\PowerShell\Users\User Creation\Automatically\test.ps1

Sophie Hop already exists
Sophie.Hop already exists
Fred Jones account was successfully created
Fred Jones already exists
Fred.Jones already exists
Fred Try account was successfully created
Fred Try already exists
Fred.Try already exists
Ren Jones account was successfully created
Ren Jones already exists
Ren.Jones already exists
Sophie Hop account was successfully created

PS C:\Users\Administrator> 




or even taking out this bit of script



$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Filter {DisplayName -eq $displayname}
    if ($ADUser -is 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser') {Write-Host "$displayname account was successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green}
    else {Write-Host "$displayname account was unsuccessfully created" -ForegroundColor Red}



it still gets in a mess with this output (even though the AD account don't exist beforehand, they do after the script is ran though)



PS C:\Users\Administrator> \\FREENAS\Network\PowerShell\Users\User Creation\Automatically\test.ps1

Sophie Hop already exists
Sophie.Hop already exists
Fred Jones already exists
Fred.Jones already exists
Fred Try already exists
Fred.Try already exists
Ren Jones already exists
Ren.Jones already exists



Any help, suggestions or recommendations are very appreciated

  • AharonBensadoun's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Your script is correct but you are miss something:
    In your csv file you doesn't have DisplayName or SamAccountName value, so you can't check if user exist or not , see line 15 of your script:

    $ADUser = Get-AdUser -Filter {$displayname -eq $User.DisplayName}


    So you have the choice, or you adding this columns in the csv with the correct value or you check if user exist with other parameters, for example firstname or lastname combined together.


    Hope this help

    • Jord9857's avatar
      Copper Contributor




      Thank you for your response.
      However even making this adjustment to the .csv, it still doesn't work properly.


      firstname	lastname	displayname	jobtitle	telephone	department	username	SamAccountName	email	password	OU
      Fred	Jones	Fred Jones	Maths Teacher	987654321	Maths	Fred.Jones	Fred.Jones	Fred.Jones@Jord.Local	Hello2021!	OU=Teaching Staff,OU=Users,OU=Test,DC=Jord,DC=Local
      Fred	Try	Fred Try	Administrator	123456789	Admin	Fred.Try	Fred.Try	Fred.Try@Jord.Local	Hello2021!	OU=Admin Staff,OU=Users,OU=Test,DC=Jord,DC=Local
      Ren	Jones	Ren Jones	English Teacher	134258679	English	Ren.Jones	Ren.Jones	Ren.Jones@Jord.Local	Hello2021!	OU=Customers,OU=Users,OU=Test,DC=Jord,DC=Local
      Sophie	Hop	Sophie Hop	Lanuages Teacher	174392834	Languages	Sophie.Hop	Sophie.Hop	Sophie.Hop@Jord.Local	Hello2021!	OU=Other,OU=Users,OU=Test,DC=Jord,DC=Local


      This is the first output (user's don't exist) - it works completely fine for the user Sophie Hop but same issue with the other user's 

      Get-AdUser : Variable: 'displayname' found in expression: $displayname is not defined.
      At test.ps1:15 char:11
      + $ADUser = Get-AdUser -Filter {DisplayName -eq $displayname}
      +           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-ADUser], ArgumentException
          + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADUser
      Get-AdUser : Variable: 'SamAccountName' found in expression: $SamAccountName is not defined.
      At test.ps1:19 char:11
      + $ADUser = Get-AdUser -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $SamAccountName}
      +           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-ADUser], ArgumentException
          + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:System.ArgumentException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADUser
      Fred Jones account was successfully created
      Fred Jones already exists
      Fred.Jones already exists
      Fred Try account was successfully created
      Fred Try already exists
      Fred.Try already exists
      Ren Jones account was successfully created
      Ren Jones already exists
      Ren.Jones already exists
      Sophie Hop account was successfully created


      This is the 2nd output (user's already exist)

      Sophie Hop already exists
      Sophie.Hop already exists
      Fred Jones account was successfully created
      Fred Jones already exists
      Fred.Jones already exists
      Fred Try account was successfully created
      Fred Try already exists
      Fred.Try already exists
      Ren Jones account was successfully created
      Ren Jones already exists
      Ren.Jones already exists
      Sophie Hop account was successfully created


      • J Mymryk's avatar
        J Mymryk
        Copper Contributor
        You need to look at your logic a bit closer. You have IF Statements but they are not nested or
        are using AND comparison to have both components match. Also you are not throwing a variable that says the user exists to provide a logic check if you actually need to create the account. Right now it runs each if statement then runs the creation statement.

        I find it may help sometimes to write down in a document the logic process before tackling the coding.
