Forum Discussion

Eduardo_Ricardez's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 08, 2023

Command New-DistributionGroup doesn't work

Hi Guys,   I am really new with Powershell, so I apologise, if I can't be very clear with the description of my problem. My Company uses Microsoft 365 and I wanted to use Powershell  and the comma...
  • LainRobertson's avatar
    Aug 08, 2023



    Hi, Eduardo.


    That's what I was expecting to hear.


    The commandlet definitely exists, however, when you run Connect-ExchangeOnline, only the commandlets you have access to are loaded.


    If you don't see a particular command, it means the account you have logged in with during Connect-ExchangeOnline does not have enough access to see and use that commandlet.


    Using the following article's guidance, we can see which roles give access to New-DistributionGroup:



    (Get-ManagementRole -Cmdlet New-DistributionGroup).Name |
        ForEach-Object {
            Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role $_ -Delegating:$false | Format-Table -AutoSize Role, RoleAssigneeType, RoleAssigneeName;




    So, we can see from this that the account you logged in with using Connect-ExchangeOnline needs to be a member of either:


    • Organization Management
    • Recipient Management


    The one thing that is for certain is that if you're not seeing the command, your account does not have the necessary rights to do so. It's not a problem with the commandlet not existing.



