Forum Discussion

JupyterPS's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 11, 2021

Cmdlet out-display in Powershell stopped working

Making a rebuild of my GITHUB repository running DOCKER in BINDER to get a fresh NOTEBOOK in        J U P Y T E R L A B
I had to use a new version of .NETS interactive tool:


global Microsoft.  --version 1.0.155302 --add-source "";


In the new notebook I noticed that: The c m d l e t Out-display and Out-Display stopped working handling HTML code

  • farismalaeb's avatar
    Steel Contributor


    Can you please provide more input, which Powershell Version you are using

    and some sample of the error in the output

    • JupyterPS's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      I have 2 Repositories in Github:
      1. JupyterPS.MyFirstRepo - has been CHANGED with:
      global Microsoft.dotnet-interactive --version 1.0.155302 --add-source ""
      2. JupyterPS.MySecondRepo - has been CREATED with:
      global Microsoft.dotnet-interactive --version 1.0.131806 --add-source ""

      iF I rebuild the second REPO my change to see HTML is gone (until it is solved)
      You are wellcome to run the repoes and to inspect the 'files' in them
      Two things that differs: the version number & PSversion number

    • JupyterPS's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Would it help if (we) build my JupyterPS.MyFirstRepo and supplied the repository with the PowerShell command asking for version 7.0.0. That would clarify the (guilty) part
      • JupyterPS's avatar
        Copper Contributor


        Can I expect an answer from you, when/if you come to a conclusion?


        Henning Reckey
