Forum Discussion
Check - User - AuthenticationPolicy
Hi all
I hope I am in the right place.
I have three different AuthenticationPolicy setup in Powershell. I have set the user AuthenticationPolicy using the below command
Set-User -Identity User -AuthenticationPolicy "Policy1"
I want to now check that the command successfully worked and I thought running the below command would show the policy a user is assigned to but this did not work:
Get-User -Identity LegacyUser
What command can I run that shows the users and their authentication policy they are assigned to?
Thanks You
- farismalaebSteel Contributor
Get-ADUser USERNAME -Properties AuthenticationPolicy | select AuthenticationPolicy,samaccountname
Get-User should show the policy:
get-user | ft Name, Auth*
If the field is empty, this means that the tenant-wide default policy is applied. You can check which is the default one via:
Get-OrganizationConfig | select -ExpandProperty DefaultAuthenticationPolicy