Forum Discussion
May 31, 2021Copper Contributor
Bulk change preferredLanguage on-premise Active Directory
Hi all,
I need to change preferredLanguage (Attribute Editor) on our on-premise AD for all users to nl-NL.
I'm searching Google for over one hour, but only find a lot of information related to O365 (Azure AD).
I should start with the GET-command below to 'find' all users.
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter { name -like '*users*' }
What script should i use to change attribute preferredLanguage to nl-NL?
Already big thanks for your support!
- AndySvintsSteel Contributor
Hello TDJNL2006,
To change attribute for Active Directory objects you should use Set-ADObject cmdlet.
Once you get users then loop trough the collection and set required attribute:
$AllUsers=Get-ADUser -Filter * foreach ($u in $AllUsers){ Set-ADObject -Identity $u.DistinguishedName -replace @{preferredLanguage="nl-NL"} }
Hope that helps.