Forum Discussion
Oct 08, 2022
Blog Post: Reconfigure Hyper-V External switch to the correct network adapter
Wrote a little blog post about how to change the External switch to the correct network adapter, convenient if you use Wi-Fi at the office and a wired connection at home for example. More about that here:
The script:
function Set-CorrectHyperVExternalSwitchAdapter {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$SwitchName
#Validate SwitchName
if (-not (Get-VMSwitch -Name $SwitchName | Where-Object { $_.SwitchType -eq 'External' -and $_.AllowManagementOS -eq $True })) {
Write-Warning ("External Hyper-V Switch {0} can't be found or has no 'Allow management operating system to share this network adapter' enabled, exiting..." -f $SwitchName)
#retrieve external switch(es) with Allow Management OS on and get Network adapter with Up state
$externalswitch = Get-VMSwitch | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $SwitchName -and $_.SwitchType -eq 'External' -and $_.AllowManagementOS -eq $True }
$connectedadapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object Status -eq Up | Sort-Object ifIndex | Select-Object -First 1
#Set VMSwitch(es) properties so that the connected adapter is configured
try {
Set-VMSwitch $externalswitch.Name -NetAdapterName $connectedadapter.Name -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host ("Reconfiguring External Hyper-V Switch {0} to use Network Adapter {1}" -f $SwitchName, $connectedadapter.Name) -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
Write-Warning ("Failed reconfiguring External Hyper-V Switch {0} to use Network Adapter {1}" -f $SwitchName, $connectedadapter.Name)
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