Forum Discussion
Oct 30, 2022
Blog post: Create a multiple-choice quiz using PowerShell
Wrote a blog post about how you can create a multiple-choice quiz using PowerShell, made it for learning my AZ-800 exam 🙂 You can read about how it works here:
The script itself:
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter the complete path to the .xlsx")][string]$FilePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Skip the ImportExcel module check")][switch]$SkipImportExcelModuleCheck
#Validate complete path and extension of the file
if (-not (Test-Path $FilePath)) {
Write-Warning ("Specified file {0} can't be found or accessed, check path and permissions...." -f $FilePath)
else {
Write-Host ("Specified file {0} found, continuing..." -f $FilePath) -ForegroundColor Green
if (-not ($FilePath.EndsWith('.xlsx'))) {
Write-Warning ("Specified file {0} has no .xlsx extension, exiting..." -f $FilePath)
#Check if ImportExcel module is installed if not skipped by NoImportExcelModuleCheck parameter
if (-not ($SkipImportExcelModuleCheck)) {
Write-Host ("Checking if ImportExcel module is installed...") -ForegroundColor Green
if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object Name -Match 'ImportExcel')) {
Write-Warning ("Required ImportExcel module is not installed, installing now...")
Install-Module -Name ImportExcel -SkipPublisherCheck:$true -Force:$true
#Read questions into $questions variable
$questions = Import-Excel -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($questions.question -and $questions.CorrectAnswer) {
Write-Host ("{0} Questions imported..." -f $questions.Count) -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Warning ("Error importing {0}, check the format in the file or if ImportExcel module is installed. Exiting..." -f $FilePath)
#Start quiz
$goodanswers = 0
$badanswers = 0
$totalquestions = $questions.Count
$currentquestionnumber = 1
Write-Host ("Starting quiz...") -ForegroundColor Green
#Loop through questions from the Excel file and show the score when done
foreach ($question in $questions) {
Write-Host ("Question {0} of {1}" -f $currentquestionnumber, $totalquestions)
Write-Host ("$($question.question)")
Write-Host ("`n")
Write-Host ("Answer A: {0}" -f $question.AnswerA)
Write-Host ("Answer B: {0}" -f $question.AnswerB)
Write-Host ("Answer C: {0}" -f $question.AnswerC)
Write-Host ("Answer 😧 {0}" -f $question.AnswerD)
Write-Host ("`n")
Write-Host ("Type A,B,C or D to answer the question")
#Wait until a,b,c or d is pressed
do {
$key = [Console]::ReadKey($true)
$value = $key.KeyChar
switch ($value) {
a { $answer = 'a' }
b { $answer = 'b' }
c { $answer = 'c' }
d { $answer = 'd' }
while ($value -notmatch 'a|b|c|d')
#Check if the answer is correct
if ($answer -eq $question.CorrectAnswer) {
Write-Host ("Correct! {0} is the correct answer`n" -f $question.CorrectAnswer) -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
else {
Write-Warning ("Incorrect! {0} is the correct answer`n" -f $question.CorrectAnswer)
#Display totals
Write-Host ("Your results are:`n`n{0} correctly answered`n{1} incorrectly answered`n`n" -f $goodanswers, $badanswers) -ForegroundColor Green
You can find the script and an example XLS file (You will need it for formatting it) here
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