Forum Discussion
May 29, 2024Copper Contributor
Setting the default language
Hi, I am starting my first .Net Core web application. I cannot find the way to setup the default language for this application, to display the validation messages in my language (italian). With .net...
Jun 05, 2024Copper Contributor
Hi, there is a gemini answer that is hard to make better 🙂
You're right, setting the default language in .NET Core requires a bit more configuration compared to .NET Framework. Here's how to achieve it for your first .NET Core web application to display validation messages in Italian:
1. Install the Localization Package:
Start by adding the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization NuGet package to your project. This package provides the necessary tools for localization in your .NET Core application.
2. Configure Localization Middleware:
In your Startup.cs file, locate the ConfigureServices method and add the following code to configure the localization middleware:
services.AddLocalization(options =>
options.ResourcesPath = "Resources"; // Specify the folder containing resource files
.AddDataAnnotationsLocalization(); // Enable data annotation localization
This code does three things:
- Enables localization for the application.
- Sets the ResourcesPath property to indicate where your resource files will be stored. You can customize this path.
- Configures MVC to use localization for views and data annotations (validation messages).
3. Create Resource Files:
Create a folder named Resources in your project (as specified in the code). Inside this folder, create a new RESX file named (replace .it with your actual Italian language code).
4. Populate Resource Files:
Open the file. You'll see default English validation messages. Translate these messages to Italian using the built-in visual editor or text editing tools.
5. Set Default Culture (Optional):
In your Startup.cs file, locate the Configure method and add the following code to set the default culture to Italian (optional):
var supportedCultures = new[] { new CultureInfo("it-IT") };
app.UseRequestLocalization(options =>
options.DefaultCulture = supportedCultures[0];
options.SupportedCultures = supportedCultures;
options.SupportedUICultures = supportedCultures;
This code sets Italian (it-IT) as the default culture and specifies that your application supports Italian for both general culture and UI culture.
Additional Notes:
- You can create resource files for other languages as needed (e.g., ValidationMessages.en.resx for English).
- For more complex scenarios, you can leverage culture providers to determine the user's preferred language dynamically.
- Refer to the official documentation for comprehensive details on localization:
With these steps, your .NET Core web application will use Italian resource files for validation messages, providing a user-friendly experience for Italian speakers.
Jun 06, 2024Copper Contributor
Hello gudokjs,
thank you for your answer. I tried to apply your solution but is not working.
In particular, the code
options.DefaultCulture = supportedCultures[0];
is not correct with .net 8.
I've modified like this:
builder.Services.Configure<RequestLocalizationOptions>(options =>
var supportedCultures = new[] { "it-IT" };
But my login form validation messages are displayed always in english.
What is wrong?
Thanks, Domenico.