Forum Discussion
Jun 21, 2017Bronze Contributor
General Stream (GA) Feedback and Questions
Hi, Here's my feedback and my questions after the first round of testing: UI und UI Elements When will the Stream Waffle appear on ? When viewing a video, the UI icons f...
Marc Mroz
Jun 21, 2017- UI und UI Elements
- When will the Stream Waffle appear on ?
A: We just noticed this ourselves yesterday. Stream shows up from the App launcher correctly when you click the "waffle" but for some reason it's not showing up on the home/landing page at We'll try and work with that team to see why the Stream tile isn't showing up there.
- When viewing a video, the UI icons for expanding/collapsing the additional video descriptions are badly placed.
- there are 3 dots (...) on the lower right end of the description, that possibly indicates additional text, but does nothing upon click
- there is another "... More" (to right of "Like") where one might assume to see the additional text, but is just the context menu for this video
- the correct UI element is further to the right and called "See more" with an arrow. This is confusing
A: We know we have some work to do on the player page in terms of descriptions / show more, etc. Your feedback is above is very valid. We’ll take your feedback into account as we iterate on the player page. We are going to do some deeper usability studies on that page and see how we can improve it.
- I'd like to be able to edit the video descriptions inline, right when watching the video. Adding time codes to a description invovles a lot of clicks and page resets.
A: That is a good point. To effectively add time codes to the description you’d have to have the video open in one window and the edit page open in another, or we’d have to support inline edit. Can you add this idea and your comments in the Steam ideas forum so others can vote/comment on it?
- (#hashtags) in brackets are not recognized.
A: Good catch. I just opened a bug on our side to see if we can fix it as we have time.
- Stream Storage
- Where do I see the used up/free storage for Stream as a Global Tenant Admin?
A: We don't have qutoa/storage management / reports yet. We will add those in the future so admins can manage and know where the storage quota is being consumed, etc.
- How is the used storage calculated? By the original upload size? The sum of all the transcoded video variations?
A: We calculate storage by the original uploaded video. Transcoded copies aren't counted toward quota.
- I do believe that the current storage plan (500GB+0,5GB per Users) is set way too low for a video service, considering that SharePoint a File Services (documents by nature are much smaller) offers a double the initial storage.
- 500GB will be used up very quickly when using "raw" footage, like 4K videos from an iPhone. I would have to highly discourage our users to upload any mobile video directly, but instead have it transcoded before upload just to save storage, which kind of defeats the usage purpose.
A: The storage quota is pooled so you get the sum of the 500 GB + 0.5 GB/user to be consumed by the tenant as a whole. Our intention was to give tenants enough storage that they don't have to worry about it. From another point of view since we are now decoupling Stream quota from SPO quota (in comparison to O365 Video), you do get extra quota allotted just to videos in Stream. Also note, these limits we landed on for GA are informed out of how much video was uploaded to O365 Video and the costs to run the Stream service. We will for sure be monitoring the usage and consumption to see if changes to these limits need to be changed in the future to give customers enough realistic space. We can also revisit this discussion with our Business Planning team based on usage and feedback.
- Office 365 Groups
- My existing Office 365 Group members don't see their private groups in Stream, is this a bug? I'm an admin (global and stream) and see all groups I'm a member of, but not all groups that exist.
A: We do have a sync engine that syncs up O365 Groups in AAD with Stream, so it's possible it was just delayed a little (1-2 hours)? Can you have them try it again now and see if they show up? On the My content > My groups page all the groups that the current logged in user is a member or owner of should show up. So they should see all their own groups on the My groups page regardless if they are public or private groups. Let us know if you still have issues we may need to investigate.
- do hidden groups become visible, after a single video from that group is made accessible to companywide?
A: Just because a companywide video is in a group it doesn't make the group itself accessible companywide. We respect both the permissions of the group and the video in conjunction. So if you make a video in a group companywide people outside the group can see the video in search or if they got a link. However the group itself would still only be accessible to those that have access.
- General
- When will transriptions roughly be available in German?
A: We are hoping (just a guess, not a promised timeline) that by end of year we can work through some internal dependencies, deployment, and certifications that are in the works now to bring more speech to text languages to Stream including German.
- do you intend to introduce manually highlighted videos for Channels, like in Office 365 Video?
A: Yes we want to add featured/highlighted videos / channels to Stream. This is being worked on as part of our transition project to be able to transition customers from O365 Video to Stream.
- Geoffrey BronnerJul 05, 2017Steel ContributorAny luck figuring out why the Stream tile does not appear on
- Ivan54Jul 07, 2017Bronze ContributorThe Stream Tile just popped up today (might have been yesterday) for me on the portal page.
- Geoffrey BronnerJul 07, 2017Steel ContributorMe too. Definitely new today.
- Ivan54Jul 05, 2017Bronze Contributornope. Even Forms managed to be put on the portal amd this while in preview.