Forum Discussion
Disable standard share settings
Hi all,
I know that Stream is all about uploading and sharing videos with your organization or groups and I like how that works perfectly. I'm wondering however if it is possible to disable the standard 'share with organization' option when a user is uploading a video? This because a user then has to activate the share with organization option instead of disactivate it.
Use case
Users in a health care organization use video about a certain situation with a client to educate and/or analyse with a colleague. They share it mostly on a 1-on-1 scale (care assistant with specialist for example). They now distribute videos via USB, WeTransfer etc. and we want them to safely and easily distribute video via Stream, but want to make it as easy as possible to not accidently share a video with privacy content with the entire organization.
- Vishal SoodMicrosoft
we are looking at this but it would be great if you could post it to our ideas forum too.
Ashish Chawla is tracking this on the team so flagging for him.