Forum Discussion

cgrigg390's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 14, 2024

Unpack and Transform Unidata Values

Hi team


New to this community and hoping please for some assistance.  I have tried to work this out myself to no avail.


We have an SQL database that is connected to a unidata database. One of the tables is PURCHASES.  This table stores Purchase Order header details and also the line level detail.  It packs up the line details with a concatenation so if you want to view the line detail you have to unpack the concatenated value from the table into a view.  For instance, purchase order 31935  has 4 purchase order lines and the system packs up the data like this (note delimeter is ý) (column name is v8);


206-5234; Primary Standard Efficiency Engine Air Filterý206-5235; Secondary Standard Efficiency Engine Air Filterý299-8229; FILTER AS-FUELýPLACED ONLINE - 00C280438


The system also has a column v120 which represents part number.


With all of that context out of the way - here is what I am trying to acheive;


1.  Using vales from v8: 206-5234; Primary Standard Efficiency Engine Air Filterý206-5235; Secondary Standard Efficiency Engine Air Filterý299-8229; FILTER AS-FUELýPLACED ONLINE - 00C280438

2. update v120 with this; 206-5234ý206-5235ý299-8229ýPLACED ONLINE - 00C280438


Essentially take the text from the left of each semicolon (;) and remove other text to leave clean part numbers seperated with the  delimeter ý


I hope this makes some form of sense.  Hoping that this presents a challenge that someone is willing to assit with.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Cheers Chris


  • rodgerkong's avatar
    Iron Contributor


    I can only find a way with SQL batch or user define function, cannot resolve it with single SQL. This is the method:

    1. Find delimeter ý repeatly to split lines, without it means reach the end of content;

    2. Find ; in line as field delimeter, part befor it is the part number which you need. If a line has not  ; ,means whole line is part number. If no character before delimeter -- like ";FILTER AS-FUEL", means this dose be a line, but has not a part number.

    3. Repeat step 2 in lines, pickup part numbers and concat them with delimeter ý to result.

    4. Build a user define function with input nvarchar parameter and returns a nvarchar.

    5. Update column V120 by the udf returns, with V8 as param.

    Here is the code of udf


    CREATE FUNCTION ufn_makeV120(@source NVARCHAR(MAX))--replace MAX to your v8 column size
    RETURNS NVARCHAR(MAX)--replace MAX to your v120 column size
      DECLARE @line INT
      DECLARE @col INT
      DECLARE @pos INT
      DECLARE @len INT
      DECLARE @d NVARCHAR(MAX)--replace max to your v120 column size
      SET @line = 1
      SET @col = 1
      SET @pos = 1
      SET @len = LEN(@source)
      SET @d = NULL
      WHILE ( ( @pos <= @len ) AND ( @len > 0 ) )
        SET @line = CHARINDEX( N'ý', @source, @pos )
        SET @col = CHARINDEX( N';', @source, @pos )
        IF (( @line <= 0 ) OR (@line < @col )) -- last line or no desc
          IF ( @line <= 0 ) SET @line = @len + 1
          IF ( @col <= 0 ) OR ( @line < @col ) --no desc
            SET @col = @line --copy to line end
          IF ( @col <= 0 ) --no desc
            SET @col = @line--copy to line end
        IF (@d IS NULL) 
          SET @d = SUBSTRING( @source, @pos, @col - @pos )
          SET @d += CONCAT(N'ý', SUBSTRING( @source, @pos, @col - @pos ))
        SET @pos = @line + 1
      RETURN @d



    You can modify length of the parameter and returns to your need.

    Then update table with SQL like this


    UPDATE test SET V120 = dbo.ufn_makeV120(V8)



      • rodgerkong's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        This method only work in SQL SERVER Database, If your table was in it, it will work. Unidata might have otherway else.
